The input is made of two Poisson shotnoise: one excitatory and one inhibitory that are both convoluted with an exponential waveform to produce the synaptic conductances time courses.
We introduce the quantitity relative to the mean synaptic bombardement.
& μGe(ν_e, ν_i) = ν_e \, K_e \, τ_e \, Q_e
& μGi(ν_e, ν_i) = ν_i \, K_i \, τ_i \, Q_i \
& μG(ν_e, ν_i) = μGe + μGi + g_L \
& τ_m(ν_e, ν_i) = \frac{C_m}{μG}\
The mean membrane potential is taken as the stationary solution to static conductances given by the mean synaptic bombardement:
\begin{equation} μ_V(ν_e, ν_i) = \frac{μGe \, E_e + μGi \, E_i + g_L \, E_L}{μG} \end{equation}
From shotnoise theory, we have:
P_V(f) = & ∑syn νsyn \, \| \hat{\mathrm{PSP}}(f) \|^2
& = 2 νin \, \frac{Q_I^2 \, τ_S^2 / μ_G^2 }{
\big(1+4 π^2 f^2 τ_S^2 \big) \big(1+4 π^2 f^2 (τ_m^\mathrm{eff})^2 \big)}
Obtained by computing a PSP event, then shotnoise theory:
Equation for \(δ V(t)\) around μ_V:
& τ_m \frac{d δ V}{dt} + δ V = Usyn \, \mathcal{H}(t) \, e\frac{-t{τsyn}}
& Usyn = \frac{Qsyn}{μ_G} (Esyn - μ_V)
That has the solution:
\begin{equation} δ V(t) = Usyn \, \frac{τsyn}{τ_m - τsyn} \, \big( e\frac{-t{τ_m}} - e\frac{-t{τsyn}} \big) \, \mathcal{H}(t) \end{equation}
We take the fourier transform:
\begin{equation} \hat{δ V}(f) = Usyn \, \frac{τsyn}{τ_m - τsyn} \, \big( \frac{τm}{2 \, i \, π \, f \, τm +1}
- \frac{τsyn}{2 \, i \, π \, f \, τsyn +1} \big)
\begin{equation} ∫_\mathbb{R} \| \hat{\mathrm{PSP}}(f) \|^2 \, df = \frac{ \| \hat{\mathrm{PSP}}(0) \|^2}{2 \, (τ_m + τsyn)} \end{equation}
\begin{equation} ∫_\mathbb{R} df \, \| \hat{\mathrm{PSP}}(f) \|^2 = \frac{(Usyn ⋅ τsyn)^2}{2 \, (τ_\mathrm{m}^\mathrm{eff} + τsyn ) } \end{equation}
we get:
\begin{equation} σ_V = \sqrt{ ∑syn Ksyn \, νsyn \, \frac{(Usyn ⋅ τsyn)^2}{2 \, (τ_\mathrm{m}^\mathrm{eff} + τsyn ) } } \end{equation}
\begin{equation} τ_V = \Big( \frac{ ∑syn \big( Ksyn \, νsyn \, (Usyn ⋅ τsyn)^2\big) }{ ∑syn \big( Ksyn \, νsyn \, (Usyn ⋅ τsyn)^2 /(τ_\mathrm{m}^\mathrm{eff} + τsyn ) \big) } \Big) \end{equation}