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GitHub Readme Stats

GitHub Repository Contribution Stats Get dynamically generated your github repository contribution stats on your READMEs!

Features GitHub Repository Contribution Stats Card Themes GitHub Repository Contribution Stats Card Copy and paste this into your markdown content, and that's it. Simple!

My project, which is based on github-readme-stats, focuses on showing GitHub repository contribution stats and applies the typescript to the original project. Refer to ISSUE#2027. Thank you @anuraghazra for the awesome open-source project!

After I have applied this, I became enthusiastic about contributing to open source because I can see all my contributions in my Github Readme! If you guys star and let your friends know this, I really appreciate that!

Change the ?username= value to your GitHub username.

Taehyun's GitHub Repository Contribution stats

Demo Taehyun's GitHub Repository Contribution stats

_Note: Available ranks are S+ (over 10000), S (over 1000), A+ (over 500), A (over 100), B+ (over 50) and B (over 1).

Limiting contribution repos to show To limit contribution repos to show, you can pass a query parameter &limit= with number value. For example, if you want to show only 5 contribution repos, then add limit=5 like the following one.

Taehyun's GitHub Repository Contribution stats

Hiding rank stats To hide specific ranks, you can pass a query parameter &hide= with comma-separated rank values. If you need to add plus rank (ex. B+) to hide arrays , it is always safe to replace pluses with %2B

Taehyun's GitHub Repository Contribution stats

Including all contributions, not only recent contributions By default, the card is generated from GitHub's GraphQL API repositoriesContributedTo, which only includes recent contributions. To include all contributions, add &combine_all_yearly_contributions=true query parameter, which will let the card be generated from GitHub's GraphQL API contributionsCollection, including all contributions.

Taehyun's GitHub Repository Contribution stats

Themes With inbuilt themes, you can customize the look of the card without doing any manual customization.

Use &theme=THEME_NAME parameter like so :-

Taehyun's GitHub Repository Contribution stats

All inbuilt themes:- in github-readme-stats' themes dark, radical, merko, gruvbox, tokyonight, onedark, cobalt, synthwave, highcontrast, dracula

You can look at a preview for all available themes or checkout the theme config file & you can also contribute new themes if you like :D

Note: The minimum of cache_seconds is currently 4 hours as a temporary fix for PATs exhaustion.

💖 Support the project I open-source almost everything I can and try to reply to everyone needing help using these projects. Obviously, this takes time. You can use this service for free.

However, if you are using this project and are happy with it or just want to encourage me to continue creating stuff, there are a few ways you can do it:

Starring and sharing the project 🚀 You can make one-time donations via buymeacoffee. I'll probably buy a coffee! ☕ "Buy Me A Coffee"

Thanks! ❤️

Contribution Contributions are welcome!

Made with 🔥 and TypeScript.