Miscellaneous Code For Analysis and Data Management of MIT-BIH Atrial Fibrillation Database
database can be found at: https://physionet.org/physiobank/database/afdb/
wfdb package used for code can be found at: https://archive.physionet.org/physiotools/wfdb-linux-quick-start.shtml
The extraction of afdb was done with Linux Bash Script and all files found in database link
File paths need to be changed in bash, python, and R script to match your directories
runme.sh needs all files found at database link
makesamples.R needs merge*.cxv files found in /oldmerge
rmsamptrans.R needs files found in /mergecurrent and /sampscurrent
merge.py needs *.txt found in /extracted
atr*.txt is extracted annotations of heartbeat type
qrs*.txt is extracted RR-Intervals
merge*.csv === new merged files with additional data
found in /mergecurrent
trans*.csv ==== transition matrices for each full data file
found in /transcurrent
samps*.csv ==== csv of 45 second samples taken for each individual
found in /sampscurrent
includes samps with mix afib/normal readings
found in /sampsnotrans
includes only samples with all afib or all non-afib readings
RRint, endsample#, annotation, running mean, running seconds, transition(1 = S, 2 = R, 3 = L)
S = short (x<.85\*runningmean), R = regular (.85\*runningmean<x<1.15\*runningmean),
L = long (x>1.15\*runningmean) where x is rr interval in seconds
Columns = From, Rows = To
ID, start sample#, end sample#, length(beats), length(seconds), afib (t/f), proportions of
trans matrix(ss, sr, sl, rs, rr, rl ls lr, ll)
Python 2.7.15 was used for compiling
R 3.6.0 was used for R compiling