RYM doesn't have an api, and it doesn't seem like they're planning on implementing one anytime soon... :( I wanted to sort releases that ive rated on rym by descriptor and noticed that there was no feature to do this so i wrote this script to scrape, and then index music ive rated by things like genre, descriptor etc.
clone, install requirements pip install -r requirements.txt
, i wrote and used this with py3.11 but i feel like itll work for any python thats not ancient
- flask
- bs4
- selenium
- numpy
- tqdm
- dateutil
python main.py --scrape
with your username and startrating-endrating range to scrape and save everything to an output file (links.json has the links to all the releases scraped, and release_data.json has the data itself).
this step may take up to a few hours depending on how many releases you've rated. I put in sleeps, you can feel free to switch them up depending on how polite (and how brave) you're feeling
python main.py --display
to throw the website up at localhost:5000
enjoy the breathtaking uiux
i wrote this over the course of a few days, its not the prettiest and its one of the first times ive done something like this so there are definitely some things that could be done better. heres a list of things that i wanna add to the project if i ever have time to
- better file structure (split up files into two folders display and scrape)
- make this project a module
scraping features:
- get rym ranking
- add rym url to release_data json
- add recover feature in case of crash while scraping
display features:
- sort by secondary genres (for now genres searches both)
- sort by multiple descriptors/genres and make it so not all have to appear
- sort with subdescriptors / subgenres eg Rock will show releases with all Rock subgenres.
- let user decide how to make the releases appear? (as in release - artist - rating) etc
- let users write booleans for their searches with complicated ors and ands
shoutout to https://github.com/dbeley/rymscraper , tons of inspiration taken from them
this technically goes against ryms TOS, use at ur own risk i put a bunch of sleeps throughout the program so as to not be ip banned (im a scaredy cat) feel free to shorten or lengthen them idc also pls donate to rym if you can, its one of the coolest and most useful websites on the internet they deserve the money