- Total users vs time per volt
- Filter by asset
- Filter by Volt
- Average Transaction size
- Per Volt and asset
- Deposits and withdrawal bars (and net line) per asset (claimed: @msquaredsa-ds-dev)
- Per Volt and epoch
- Distribution of users in Assets
- Wallet share (claimed: @msquaredsa-ds-dev)
- % of users wallet (measured in notional (USDC) or underlying asset) deposited into Friktion Volt
- what is the daily price average in USD values (claimed: @msquaredsa-ds-dev)
- what tokens are friktion users holding? (claimed: @msquaredsa-ds-dev)
- what other dapps do friktion users use?
- what is the distribution of holdings intra-volt - by key segments and vintages
- (low priority) Protocol revenue (fees generated) vs time
- Track Treasury address composition (stacked area) in underlying asset and USDC value over time
- Similar to Sonar dash (can just fork?)
- Track Treasury address composition (stacked area) in underlying asset and USDC value over time
Discord contacts:
- GavriloPrincip#0001 for data and pipeline
- 0xFriktion#6762 for visualization of features and w/e product stuff
- @msquaredsa-ds-dev
- @amarante-codes
- @Mordant-Black
- @alexdai186