This ERC1155 contract is optimized for the case where each token has a single owner, like ERC721.
It is based on OpenZeppelin V5 ERC1155 upgradeable token, supports the ERC1155Supply extension (adding totalSupply() and totalSupply(id)). It has a different storage layout, so is not a drop-in replaceplacement if have already deployed a contract, it also does not have namespaced storage intentionally to allow further packing in derived contracts.
For even more optimizations override ownerOf
& _updateOwner
if you are able to pack the owner inside your own structs efficiently.
Although it uses a version based on OpenZeppelin V4, Estfor Kingdom is using this for the PetNFT for example:
struct Pet {
uint40 lastAssignmentTimestamp;
address owner; // Will be used as an optimzation to avoid having to look up the owner of the pet in another storage slot in base class
function ownerOf(uint256 _tokenId) public view override returns (address) {
return pets[_tokenId].owner;
function _updateOwner(uint256 _id, address _to) internal override {
bool isBurnt = _to == address(0);
if (isBurnt) {
delete pets[_id];
} else {
pets[_id].owner = _to;
pets[_id].lastAssignmentTimestamp = uint40(block.timestamp);
To compile and run tests:
yarn install
# To compile the contracts
yarn compile
# To run the tests
yarn test