A solidity project demonstrating payable smart contracts on Polygon (Matic)
#CrowdFund Smart Contract Currently deployed on Matic Polygon Mumbai Testnet
This contract demonstrates a kickstarter alternative where the factory contract can create new contracts called crowdfund campaigns. These campaigns accept investors with minimum contribution. The campaign owner can create funding requests to a particualr address and after a majority consensus , the funds are transferred by the smart contract to recipient address.
The application is deployed on Polygon testnet and requires users to add Matic Testnet as a network in their connected wallet i.e. Metamask. Refer https://docs.matic.network/docs/develop/metamask/testnet/
Fetch dependencies
npm install
Firstly compile solidity contract to Bytecode and ABI
node compile.js
After compilation, the output will be present as separate files for both Crowdfund and CrowdFund Factory contracts
Now deploy the factory contract
node deploy.js
After solidity contracts are taken care of, Next.js simply allows to run dev environment with the configured dev script
node run dev