See here for more info on the rng: you should donate to them too, this is really cool :3
npm i qranode
const qranode = require('qranode')
/// get the request function
const qrng = qranode('API_KEY_GOES_HERE', 'optional HTTP user agent string')
/// get random uint8 (default values)
const uint8Arr = await qrng() // -> { success: true, type: 'uint8', length: '1', data: [ 126 ] }
// .then.catch
qrng({ dataType: 'uint8', amount: 5 }) // get 5 numbers from 0 to 255
.then(console.log) // log the output
.catch(console.error) // or the errors, if any
// you can even get hex!
qrng({ dataType: 'hex16', amount: 5, blockSize: 2 }) // get 5 hex strings, each string consisting of 2 hex blocks between 0000 and ffff
The API returns a JSON object with the success status, the type requested, the length of the array, and the array of numbers. The example below is the result of a request for two hex16 numbers with a block size of 4.
success: true,
type: 'hex16',
length: '2',
data: [ '2f2497d207a39d67', 'dd537fa2b1c4c6b2' ]