A docker-compose file contains spining up a shadowsocks client and use polipo to convert shadowsocks into an HTTP proxy.
tips: setup shadowsocks server:
docker run -dt --name ss -p 6443:6443 mritd/shadowsocks -s "-s -p 6443 -m aes-256-cfb -k test123 --fast-open"
pip install docker-compose
git clone https://github.com/caogj/beyond-the-wall && cd beyond-the-wall
just make it
export ss_ip=
export ss_port=443
export ss_passwd=123456
Or you can manually by following steps:
If you would like to build your own docker image, simply clone this repo and run:
cd polipo; docker build -t caogj/polipo .
cd ss-client; docker build -t caogj/ss-client .
docker-compose up -d
export https_proxy=""
export http_proxy=""
export HTTP_PROXY=""
export HTTPS_PROXY=""
curl www.google.com