Application to control USB relay switch
Source code in this repo is developed to control the USB relay which is similar to the one shown below. It typically will have a CH340 chip interfaced to AVR chip(Atiny45) on board.
The source code of the application is in Python. The GUI is developed using PyQt. Serial commands are sent using PySerial.
Note : This application is not compatible with USB relay which just has AVR chip on it which typically use v-usb firmware to communicate over USB.
Start the application
Application can be started from terminal as follow. Make sure all modules(like PySerial, PyQt etc) are installed before staring.
There are also "precompiled binary" for Windows and Linux (Ubuntu). See folder "bin"
- Ubuntu OS : USBRealySwitch_ubuntu
- Windows OS : USBRealySwitch_Windows.exe
See help menu after launching the application to know about each setting.
Screen shots