- halodi_msgs
- OpenCV 4.4.0 + contrib
- numpy and scipy
Build: colcon build --packages-select ar_tools
This package publishes TFs for Aruco markers from cameras, currently supporting Zed (left eye) and image streams over gRPC. Nodes also publish transformed poses in halodi_msgs/msg/ARMarkers form.
Running aruco_ nodes requires a config file; refer to config/aruco.json for an example.
- parent_frame: frame to transform markers into
- camera_frame: frame that markers are detected in
- broadcast_transforms: if true, publishes camera -> marker TF msgs
- image_scaling: fx, fy of cv.resize
- aruco_dict: identifying string that follows OpenCV's pre-defined dictionaries, omitting DICT_
- marker_sizes: dictionary of numerical marker IDs to side lengths, used for pose estimation. Markers not defined here are discarded
- aruco_params: public fields for a parameters object
ros2 run ar_tools stf_server FREQUENCY
Convenience node to fetch stamped transforms for timestamps which are not associated with a clock topic. Used by all aruco_ nodes via halodi_msgs/srv/GetStampedTF. Due to use of Python's time.perf_counter() for internal time-keeping, calls to this service should only be made from the machine running the service server. For messages on /tf_static, it is assumed that non-zero timestamps represent an additional sensor delay to the timestamp in transform requests.
- FREQUENCY: rate throttling for subscribers, to help reduce CPU load and network traffic.
- STREAMING_ADDRESS: address of a stream to listen to, e.g. If no colon is detected in this argument, a non-network connection is assumed.
- GRPC_IMAGE_SERVER: address of a GRPC image server, e.g. Data structure follows single-image syntax of azure_grpc
- GRPC_COMMON_SERVER: address of a GRPC common server
Running calibration_extrinsic_ nodes requires a config file; refer to config/extrinsic_calibration.json for an example. Requires a marker fixed in space e.g. on a wall, visible to the robot across a reasonable range of motion with a streaming node already running, e.g. aruco_zed. Robot is assumed to be moving while data is being collected, e.g. through a calibration_motion_ node. Note that the first element of the parameter vector to be optimized is assumed to be a camera delay (>=0).
- common: contains parameters used by all extrinsic calibration nodes
- tf_bookend_duration: additional subscription time to TF before and after subscribing to marker msgs
- data_collection_duration: time for subscribing to both TF and marker msgs
- data_collection_samples_n: reduce total marker samples to >= this value after collection
- markers_topic: topic for markers
- stationary_target_frame: frame ID for a marker that is stationary relative to the robot
- static_frame: a fixed TF frame ID relative to the robot, nominally the root of the TF tree
- camera_frame_parent: the immediate parent frame ID of the camera
- camera_frame: frame ID of the camera
- outbound_calibration_topic: for publishing calibration info if optimization is successful
- camera_name: camera name for publishing
- de: some args for differential evolution
- project_rotations: whether or not the projection of a unit vector from the target's estimated quaternion should be taken as an additional criterion
- verbose_optimization: prints standard deviation vector in each call to the error fn
- data_save_folder: folder to write collected data to. No writing is performed if this string is empty
- head: parameters for calibrating a camera mounted in/on the head
- mean: [ camera_delay, head_pitch_offset, head_to_camera_xyz_ypr ]
- extents: range of mean. DE bounds are calculated by mean +/- extents
ros2 run ar_tools calibration_extrinsic_head PATH_TO_CALIB_CONFIG_FILE CMD
For calibrating a camera mounted in or on the head (only movement of the camera relative to the robot's kinematic root is through the neck joint).
- CMD: a command sequence, eg "collect_optimize_publish". Either "collect" or "load" must be present
- collect: to collect new data
- load: to load from "data_save_folder" in extrinsic_calibration.json
- optimize: run optimization
- publish: publish extrinsic calibration info after publish
ros2 run ar_tools calibration_motion_head
Runs a looping routine that moves the neck and pelvis.
Please adjust arguments in relevant launch/config files, then cd to the workspace root and run "source install/setup.bash" prior to use.
- ros2 launch ar_tools aruco_grpc + stf_server
- ros2 launch ar_tools aruco_zed + stf_server
- ros2 launch ar_tools calibration_motion_head + calibration_extrinsic_head (required)