A thin wrapper around keepassxc-cli to query security details in a more scriptable way.
secdeets is a command-line tool written in Babashka that provides a convenient interface to interact with KeePassXC databases. It allows you to retrieve usernames, passwords, TOTP codes, and full entry details in a scriptable format.
- Retrieve specific entry details:
- Username
- Password
- TOTP codes
- Full entry information (as JSON)
- Configurable through:
- Environment variables
- Configuration files
- Command-line arguments
bbin install io.github.200ok-ch/secdeets
- Babashka
- KeePassXC CLI
You can configure secdeets in multiple ways:
export SECDEETS_DB=~/secrets/db.kdbx
export SECDEETS_PASSWORD_FILE=~/secrets/keepassxc
entry: 'The name of some entry in your db'
secdeets <detail> [--db=<db>] [--password-file=<password-file>] [--entry=<entry>]
- username - Get entry username
- password - Get entry password
- totp - Get TOTP code
- full - Get all details in JSON format
- -d –db=<db> - Path to the KeePassXC database
- -p –password-file=<password-file> - Path to password file
- -e –entry=<entry> - Entry name in the database
- -h –help - Show help
- -v –version - Show version
secdeets password --entry MyVPN