It performs a username search on popular social media platforms, blogs, forums, and other online platforms to check if the username is already taken or in use.
- Python 3.x
- requests library (install using
pip install requests
Clone the repository or download the code files.
Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory where the code files are located.
Run the following command to execute the script:
Follow the on-screen prompts and enter the username you want to search for.
The script will search for the username on various websites and display the results.
Review the results to see if the username is already taken on any of the websites.
The script currently supports searching for the username on the following websites which you may included seperately in your own configuration file:
- YouTube
- Blogger
- Google+
- WordPress
- GitHub
- Tumblr
- Flickr
- Steam
- Vimeo
- SoundCloud
- Disqus
- Medium
- DeviantArt
- VK
- Imgur
- SlideShare
- Fotolog
- Spotify
- Mixcloud
- Scribd
- Badoo
- Patreon
- Bitbucket
- Dailymotion
- Etsy
- Behance
- Goodreads
- Instructables
- Keybase
- Kongregate
- LiveJournal
- AngelList
- Dribbble
- Codecademy
- Gravatar
- Pastebin
- Foursquare
- Roblox
- Gumroad
- Newgrounds
- Wattpad
- Canva
- Creative Market
- Trakt
- 500px
- BuzzFeed
- TripAdvisor
- HubPages
- Contently
- Houzz
- Wikipedia
- Hacker News
- Codementor
- ReverbNation
- Designspiration
- Bandcamp
- Colourlovers
- eBay
- Slack
- OkCupid
- Trip
- Ello
- Tracky
- Basecamp
#Youtube tutorial for