This is my work based on my current knowledge.
It's not secure enough but ehh it's a start.
all the credits goes to
I live in egypt and it's considered to be from third world countries and we have limited quotas with high prices,We are 6 members in the house so I had to give every one of us an account with quota.
I had to research how to do it especially because no one did it before or maybe someone did but didn't share how.
My project is based on opennds and what does opennds do is just tracking the download / upload quota for every device.
I had to write my own code to do the solution.
What does this project do is simple, you setup account (username, password and quota in (megabytes)) like that
omar password123 1024(so this is 1GB)
and every device that connects to the wifi will have to login throught login page.
It will check if that username and password exist and if they have quota to allow accessing the internet if every thing is okay then this device will access the internet.
If another device tried to access the internet using the same account it will check if the current devices connected to the internet using the same account exceeded the quota or not, if not they will access the internet.
Every 10 mins it will check for all the devices if the exceeded the current account quota or not if they exceeded it it will disconnect them, and when devices log out or disconnects from wifi it will automaticly compute the quota they used and decrease it from the account quota.
Every connected Device to any account it will be disconnect every 12 hours you can change it.
you must have opennwrt installed on your router(incase of running on router).
install opennds follow this :
For router users:
You must have usbdrive because constant writing on the router will damage the flash memory,
check this to see how to add drive to your system for openwrt otherwise check with yourself :
After installing opennds type this in the terminal :
cp /usr/lib/opennds/ /usr/lib/opennds/ chmod +x /usr/lib/opennds/ /usr/lib/opennds/
then go to the folder directory and open terminal and run this :
scp root@ scp -r bootstrap root@ scp root@ scp root@ scp root@
you will copy now the file with accounts data you must put it in the usbdrive mount point mine for ex is
so this will be my mount point, it may change with you.
scp users.txt root@
considring that root@ is your login path to the router, now you have everything set.
Now you have 2 files that is changed :
and 2 new files :/usr/lib/
Check the files :
check those files
and for every/mnt/sda1
change it for your mount point. -
users.txt it should be something like this
omar omar123 1024 ahmed ahmed123 1024 guest guest 1024
/etc/config/opennds : option authidletimeout '60' change the
to any time you prefer so the device automaticly disconnect from the account (time in minutes)
Now you have to turn on the script that will check on the accounts every 5 mins,search for scheduling for your operating system
*/5 * * * * /bin/sh /usr/lib/opennds/
for openwrt check this link for more info
Thats's it everything should be working right now