.bat file that runs the programs needed for connecting to ranchroleplay.com First it checks to see if the program is already running if that isn't the case it it searches for the .exe file on the C: drive and the runs the file.
2 - Inside Teamspeak bookmarks make sure the connect upon startup under the ranchroleplayer bookmark is ticked on
In the case that either Discord, Teamspeak, Rockstar, Steam or RedM is not installed on the main drive C: this .bat will not work. Unless the .bat file is edited. However it would be more easy to just make a new .bat file that go directly to the file and execute it if it is not running.
You can either download the file or just copy paste it and make a .bat file called RanchRolelayLauncher.bat
I recommend you copy the text and paste in to a new .bat file located on your Desktop.
The file is free to use and or edit, however you may not change made by Who_Cares