- Description: A system to add an authentication to the Reblocks based web-site.
- Licence: Unlicense
- Author: Alexander Artemenko svetlyak.40wt@gmail.com
- Homepage: https://40ants.com/reblocks-auth/
- Bug tracker: https://github.com/40ants/reblocks-auth/issues
- Source control: GIT
- Depends on: alexandria, cl-strings, dexador, jonathan, local-time, log4cl, mailgun, mito, quri, reblocks, reblocks-lass, reblocks-ui, secret-values, serapeum, uuid, yason
Reblocks-auth is a system for adding authentication for your Reblocks application. It allows users to login using multiple ways. Right now GitHub is only supported but the list will be extended.
This system uses Mito as a storage to store data about users and their data from service providers. Each user has a unique nickname and an optional email. Also, one or more identity providers can be bound to each user account.
You can install this library from Quicklisp, but you want to receive updates quickly, then install it from Ultralisp.org:
(ql-dist:install-dist "http://dist.ultralisp.org/"
:prompt nil)
(ql:quickload :reblocks-auth)
I've made an example application to demonstrate how does reblocks-auth
system work.
To start this example application, run this code in the REPL
(asdf:load-system :reblocks-auth-example)
(reblocks-auth-example/server:start :port 8080)
When you'll open the http://localhost:8080/ you will see this simple website:
This system provides a way for user authentifications. Each user is represented in the database
using reblocks-auth/models:user
model user can be bound to one or more "social profiles" -
. For example, if user logged in via GitHub, then
database will store one "user" record and one "social-profile" record. Each social profile
can hold additional information in it's metadata slot.
To use this system, you have to define two routes which will be responsible for login and logout.
On each route you have to render either reblocks-auth:login-processor
or reblocks-auth:logout-processor
Usually you can define your routes like this (reblocks-navigation-widget:defroutes
is used here):
(defroutes routes
("/" (make-page-frame
This code will render a set up buttons to login through enabled service providers.
Enabled service providers are listed in reblocks-auth:*enabled-services*
Login processor does two things:
- renders buttons for enabled service providers calling
generic-function. - service processor is executed when user clicks a "login" button. For example GitHub processor redirects to https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize
- when user comes back to /login page, service processor gets or creates entries in the database and stores current user in the session.
- after this, any code can retrieve current user by a call to
Logout processor renders a "logout" button and when user clicks on it, removes user from the current session.
package reblocks-auth/auth
generic-function reblocks-auth/auth:authenticate
service &rest params &key code
Called when user had authenticated in the service and returned to our site.
arguments are collected into a plist and passed as params.
Should return two values a user and a flag denotifing if user was just created.
package reblocks-auth/button
generic-function reblocks-auth/button:render
service &key retpath
Renders a button for given service. Service should be a keyword like :github or :facebook.
package reblocks-auth/conditions
condition reblocks-auth/conditions:unable-to-authenticate
reader reblocks-auth/conditions:get-message
(unable-to-authenticate) (:message)
reader reblocks-auth/conditions:get-reason
(unable-to-authenticate) (:reason = 'nil)
package reblocks-auth/core
class reblocks-auth/core:login-processor
This widget should be rendered to process user's login.
class reblocks-auth/core:logout-processor
This widget should be rendered to process user's logout.
generic-function reblocks-auth/core:render-login-page
app &key retpath
By default, renders a list of buttons for each allowed authentication method.
function reblocks-auth/core:make-login-processor
function reblocks-auth/core:make-logout-processor
function reblocks-auth/core:render-buttons
&key retpath
Renders a row of buttons for enabled service providers.
Optionally you can specify RETPATH
argument with an URI
to return user
after login.
variable reblocks-auth/core:*allow-new-accounts-creation*
When True, a new account will be created. Otherwise only already existing users can log in.
variable reblocks-auth/core:*enabled-services*
Set this variable to limit a services available to login through.
variable reblocks-auth/core:*login-hooks*
Append a funcallable handlers which accept single argument - logged user.
package reblocks-auth/errors
condition reblocks-auth/errors:nickname-is-not-available
Signalled when there is already a user with given nickname.
package reblocks-auth/github
function reblocks-auth/github:get-scopes
Returns current user's scopes.
function reblocks-auth/github:get-token
Returns current user's GitHub token.
function reblocks-auth/github:render-button
&KEY (CLASS "button small") (SCOPES *DEFAULT-SCOPES*) (TEXT "Grant permissions") (RETPATH (GET-URI))
Renders a button to request more scopes.
variable reblocks-auth/github:*client-id*
uth client id
variable reblocks-auth/github:*default-scopes*
A listo of default scopes to request from GitHub.
variable reblocks-auth/github:*secret*
uth secret. It might be a string or secret-values:secret-value.
package reblocks-auth/models
class reblocks-auth/models:social-profile
(serial-pk-mixin dao-class record-timestamps-mixin)
Represents a User's link to a social service. User can be bound to multiple social services.
reader reblocks-auth/models:profile-metadata
(social-profile) (:metadata :params)
reader reblocks-auth/models:profile-service
(social-profile) (:service)
reader reblocks-auth/models:profile-service-user-id
(social-profile) (:service-user-id)
A user
instance, bound to the social-profile
accessor reblocks-auth/models:profile-metadata
(social-profile) (:metadata :params)
class reblocks-auth/models:user
(serial-pk-mixin dao-class record-timestamps-mixin)
This class stores basic information about user - it's nickname and email.
Additional information is stored inside social-profile
reader reblocks-auth/models:get-email
(user) (:email = nil)
reader reblocks-auth/models:get-nickname
(user) (:nickname)
function reblocks-auth/models:anonymous-p
function reblocks-auth/models:change-email
user email
function reblocks-auth/models:change-nickname
Changes nickname of the current user.
function reblocks-auth/models:create-social-user
service service-user-id &rest metadata &key email
function reblocks-auth/models:find-social-user
service service-user-id
function reblocks-auth/models:get-all-users
function reblocks-auth/models:get-current-user
Returns current user or NIL
function reblocks-auth/models:get-user-by-email
Returns a user with given email.
function reblocks-auth/models:get-user-by-nickname
Returns a user with given email.
function reblocks-auth/models:user-social-profiles
Returns a list of social profiles, bound to the user.
variable reblocks-auth/models:*user-class*
Allows to redefine a model, for users to be created by the reblocks-auth.
package reblocks-auth/providers/email/mailgun
macro reblocks-auth/providers/email/mailgun:define-code-sender
package reblocks-auth/providers/email/models
class reblocks-auth/providers/email/models:registration-code
(serial-pk-mixin dao-class record-timestamps-mixin)
This model stores a code sent to an email for signup or log in.
reader reblocks-auth/providers/email/models:registration-code
(registration-code) (:code)
reader reblocks-auth/providers/email/models:registration-email
(registration-code) (:email)
User's email.
reader reblocks-auth/providers/email/models:valid-until
(registration-code) (:valid-until)
Expiration time.
function reblocks-auth/providers/email/models:send-code
email &key retpath send-callback
Usually you should define a global callback using
but you can provide an alternative function to handle
email sending.
variable reblocks-auth/providers/email/models:*send-code-callback*
Set this variable to a function of one argument of class registration-code
It should send a registration code using template, suitable for your website.
package reblocks-auth/providers/email/processing
class reblocks-auth/providers/email/processing:request-code-form
reader reblocks-auth/providers/email/processing:retpath
(request-code-form) (:retpath)
reader reblocks-auth/providers/email/processing:sent
(request-code-form) (= nil)
accessor reblocks-auth/providers/email/processing:sent
(request-code-form) (= nil)
generic-function reblocks-auth/providers/email/processing:form-css-classes
generic-function reblocks-auth/providers/email/processing:render-email-input
generic-function reblocks-auth/providers/email/processing:render-sent-message
generic-function reblocks-auth/providers/email/processing:render-submit-button
variable reblocks-auth/providers/email/processing:*recaptcha-secret-key*
Set this variable to a secret key, generated by Google reCaptcha.
variable reblocks-auth/providers/email/processing:*recaptcha-site-key*
Set this variable to a site key, generated by Google reCaptcha.
package reblocks-auth/providers/email/resend
function reblocks-auth/providers/email/resend:make-code-sender
thunk &key base-uri
Makes a function which will prepare params and call THUNK
function with email and URL
Usually you don't need to call this function directly and you can use just define-code-sender
macro reblocks-auth/providers/email/resend:define-code-sender
- Add support for authentication by a link sent to the email.
- Add ability to bind multiple service providers to a single user.