I just get tired copy pasting it around :P
yarn add react-super-simple-wizard
The only prop you need is initial
the other props are completley up to you
{/* `initial` points to a prop key */}
{/* This is named start so it will render initially */}
start={({ next, prev, goto }) => (
<YourComponent onSuccess={next} />
theNextStep={({ goto }) => (
// now goto(stepKey: 'initial' | 'start' | 'finish') is fully typed and knows about initial, start and finish
<AlsoYourComponent onSuccess={next} onError={() => goto('initial')}/>
finish={() => (
<Confetti msg='You made it!' />
Imagine you have a protected resource or really any other combination of steps
import { Wizard, WizardStepProps } from 'react-super-simple-wizard';
type Step = WizardStepProps<'login' | 'register' | 'protected'>;
const Login = ({ goto }: Step) => (
<LoginForm onSuccess={() => goto('protected')} />
const Register = ({ next }: Step) => <RegisterForm onSuccess={next} />;
const Protected = () => <Dashboard />;
function Auth() {
return (