Adding random Discord nicknames to an endlessly expanding and rarely used text file... WITHOUT LEAVING NEOVIM!
This is my first Neovim plugin, and it's just a tiny little time saver utility I've been wanting for personal use, and I thought it'd be a simple starting point for learning plugin dev.
- Neovim 0.7 or later
- telescope.nvim (optional, for the Telescope integration)
dependencies = {
config = function()
require('ncks').setup {} -- required
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>nn', '<cmd>NcksNew<cr>', { desc = 'Add [N]ew [N]ickname' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>ni', '<cmd>NcksInfo<cr>', { desc = 'Show [N]cks file [I]nfo' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>ns', '<cmd>NcksSearch<cr>', { desc = 'Search [N]cks file' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>no', '<cmd>NcksOpen<cr>', { desc = '[O]pen [N]cks file' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>nl', '<cmd>NcksList<cr>', { desc = '[L]ist [N]cks files' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>nc', '<cmd>NcksCopyAll<cr>', { desc = '[C]opy all [N]icknames from file to clipboard' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>nr', '<cmd>NcksRandom<cr>', { desc = 'Pick [R]andom [N]ick from file' })
- Displays various information on ncks file, like file location and entry count.
- Search nicknames and copy selection to clipboard
- Opens ncks file in new buffer.
- Copies all entries from ncks file to clipboard.
- Picks random entry from ncks file, copies it to clipboard.
- Returns all lines of ncks file in list.
{optional_pass}- Adds new name entry to your ncks file, by default opens dialog.
pass new entry to file inline, instead of opening the dialog.
-- Default file ~/.ncks, but can use literally anything
location = '~/.ncks',
-- Telescope layout configuration
layout_config = {
prompt_position = 'top',
width = 0.50,
height = 0.20,
-- Default settings
telescope_defaults = {
include_location = true, -- Include file location in prompt title
selection_caret = '┃ ',
new_nickname = {
prompt_title = 'New Nickname',
prompt_prefix = ' ', -- Plus icon for adding new nickname
search = {
prompt_title = 'Search Nicknames',
prompt_prefix = ' ', -- Search icon for searching nicknames
Both ThePrimeagen/harpoon
and tamton-aquib/stuff.nvim
served as inspiration and helped me build up the structure of this tiny plugin.
- Multiple lists?
- More commands (delete, edit, etc):