ASCII-based 2D adventure game. Using React and Three.js (with react-three-fiber).
Only the 256 characters in code page 437 from the "DOS Font" are used (available here:, along with original 16 terminal colors. To create all sprites, characters are stacked over each other (with the only exception of health bars and stack counters, they are underscores _
transformed to the appropriate length and dots, respectively).
Play it here:
Spawn area with intro quest
- Adventure: Single player
- City: Trade with other players, enter worlds, build house
- Casual: Multi player with global level advance
- Free for all: battle royale with global level advance (winner keeps items, special item for first death)
- Groups: PvE raids epic dungeons
- Tribes: PvP protect the chief and fortify village
- (base: 10/5)
- Scout: medium max hp + 1 power (can't join tribe, doesn't require account)
- Knight (helmet): high max hp + 1 armor
- Mage (curls): high max mp + 1 magic
- Hunter (mohawk): medium max hp and mp + 1 haste
- Player
- Ghost
- Prism: linear, high damage
- Eye: sleeping, simple approaching, low hp
- Orb: aligning with player, casting beam, fleeing
- Cube: slow walking, casting short wave after intervals
- Blade: charging until hit when in line
- Fly: pass through terrain, explode as attack
- Beam tower: casting beam when aligning
- Wave tower: casting wave in intervals or when getting close
- Fake (chest, pot, tree, cactus, palm, ore): enrage when adjacent, drop stack
- Blob: fleeing, teleporting, only hittable with ranged attacks
- Number: Duplicating
- Question mark: mimicking
- Shark: swimming
- Baker: Trade berries and flowers
- Guard: At entry of town, dungeon or boss room
- Smith: Sell swords, bows and armors
- Rogue: Melee and bow spells
- Mage: Casting spells
- Elder: Gives gold key to finish level
- Scout: Blob quest
- Druid: consumables
- Cook: trade berries and flowers
- Chief: Max stats
- Nomad: Intro quest, sell key
- Miner/Logger/Fisher: sell pickaxe
Hills 1 town
- Chief: sign "Find key", door locked iron key, quest for gold key, dungeon entry
- Elder: hp and mp potion lvl 1, quest for iron key
- Scout: haste, torch, map quest
- Smith: sword and armor, gather quest
- Trader: wood and iron, gather quest
- Druid: flower and berry, gather quest
- 7a. Mage: bubble spell and charge, kill quest orb
- 7b. Hunter: bow and arrows, kill quest eye
- 7c. Knight: slash and charge, kill quest triangle
- Quest: simple quest
- Quest: hard quest
- Guard: at entrances, entry fee
- Guy: Walking around, quest
- Girl: Walking around, quest
Hills 1 world
- Nomad: house with chest with silver key, gather quest (1x gold) or steal and fight
- Scout: camp fire, bomb, map (5x power, 15x coin)
- Miner: path, mine entry, iron and pickaxe
- Logger: path, camp fire, wood and axe
- Fisher: path, docks, rod and bait
- Kill quest: 5x prism/5x orb/5x eye, 1x gold prism/1x gold orb/1x gold eye
- Gather quest: 5x apples/plums/coconut/banana/gem/crystal/fish/algae
- Alphabet (different elements)
- Infinite waves arena (revive, loot as much as you can)
- Chief (drops an elemental key to the void)
- Nomad
- Thief (invisible, unequip and steal, catch and dodge traps)
- Labyrinth (burning down)
- Question mark (mimick)
- (large creature multiple tiles)
- Pushing puzzle
- Lever puzzle
- Sword
- Lvl 1 mana spell
- Active ability
- Lvl 1 elemental spell
- Passive
- Lvl 2 elemental spell
- Chest (drops items and consumables)
- Pot (drops stats)
- Door (locks, toggles building view)
- Portal (teleports to next level or dungeon)
- Cactus (does damage, drops spikes)
- Joining a tribe grants extra stats and makes the other hostile and lootable
- Provides utility tool
- Own tribe unlocks quest for elemental armor (immunity)
- Each tribe has a chief that drops an elemental key, either through quest or killing
No tribe (neutral)
- Hair: white
- House: wood beams, stone walls, red roof
- World: Hills
- Hair: red
- Stat: Max HP + 10
- Tool: Pickaxe
- Entry: wooden gate guard
- Town: oasis, houses, cacti, water streams
- House: grass beams, green dotted walls
- Soil: brown for berries
- Utility: burn trees
- Chief: full burn towers
- World: Desert
- Dungeon: Volcano
- Hair: blue
- Stat: Max MP + 10
- Tool: Boat
- Entry: fisherman with boat
- Town: ice islands, igloo, bridges
- House: teal beams, ice walls
- Soil: aqua for flowers
- Utility: freeze water
- Chief: full freeze towers
- World: Ocean
- Dungeon: Glacier
- Hair: green
- Stat: Max inventory + 4
- Tool: Axe
- Entry: cave guard
- Town: caves, sand, fires
- House: cave walls, rock doors
- Soil: yellow for cacti
- Utility: heal HP
- Chief: full heal towers
- World: Jungle
- Dungeon: Cave
- Door unlock (key)
- Quest accept (!)
- Shop buy ($)
- Player spawn (ghost)
- Boat swim (boat)
- Wood chop (axe)
- Rock mine (pickaxe)
- Bow shoot (arrow)
- Bomb throw (bomb)
- Spell cast (mana)
Wood: from sticks
Iron: from ores
Gold: from mining or elites
Diamond: high damage / high defense
Fire: burns on impact / burn immunity
Water: freezes on impact / freeze immunity
Earth: heal or lifesteal / x2 life collection
Ruby: turn world pink on move or impact, speed up in pink area / +1 stats while in pink
Aether: turn entities grayscale on move or impact, added damage / spike attacker
Void: delete any sprites on impact / create black hole on hit
Rainbow: random elemental effect with coloring on move or impact / spawn elemental blocks on movement
T1: common (maroon)
- Wood (Sword, Armor) - collecting
T2: uncommon (lime)
- Iron (Sword, Armor) - mining
- Accessory (iron) - crafting / drops
T3: rare (yellow)
- Gold (Sword, Armor) - trading
- Accessory lvl 1 (fire, water, earth, gold) - crafting / elites
T4: epic (aqua)
- Diamond (Sword, Armor) - mining / crafting
- Fire (Sword, Armor) - farming / crafting
- Water (Sword, Armor) - farming / crafting
- Earth (Sword, Armor) - farming / crafting
- Accessory lvl 2 (fire, water, earth, gold) - crafting / bosses
T5: legendary (fuchsia)
- Ruby (Sword, Armor) - mining / crafting
- Aether (Sword, Armor) - drops from dungeon bosses and chiefs
- Void (Sword, Armor) - shards from crafting, fighting, quests
- Rainbow (Sword, Armor) - farming / crafting
- Heart
- Mana
- Experience
- Coin
- Wood
- Ore
- Berry
- Flower
- Sword: high damage
- Armor: reduce damage, burn/freeze immunity or life multiplier
- Slash + Charge: spin sword around + on hit, drop on receiving melee hit once per unit (5 xp + 1 berry, 5 gold)
- Block + Charge: block next spell or reflect melee + shield on hit, drop on mana consume (5 xp + 1 flower, 5 gold)
- Bow + Arrow: shoot arrow + on hit reduced damage + scale with movement speed, drops on miss or decay (5 xp + 5 gold, 1 wood + 5 ore)
- Bomb: explode + pushable, drop on entity kill (5 xp + 1 iron)
- Wave: circular (10 gold + 10 xp)
- Wave lvl 1: elemental (wave + 1 essence)
- Wave lvl 2: added range + return (wave lvl 1 + 5 essence)
- Beam: fast projectile + pass terrain + pierce enemies + leave trail
- Beam lvl 1: elemental
- Beam lvl 2: range + trail duration + split T shape at end
- Trap: single high damage
- Trap lvl 1: elemental
- Trap lvl 2: 4x size + wave damage + cooldown
- Cloak lvl 1: invisible but stunned on taking damage
- Cloak lvl 2: speed boost + walk through terrain
- Shield lvl 1: invincible (10 xp)
- Shield lvl 2: more duration + attack radius + on-hit proc + speed boost (25 xp)
Amulet lvl 1: +5 max hp
Amulet lvl 2: +10 max hp
Fire amulet lvl 1: +1 hp reg
Fire amulet lvl 2: +2 hp reg
Water amulet lvl 1: +1 mp reg
Water amulet lvl 2: +2 mp reg
Earth amulet lvl 1: +1 haste
Earth amulet lvl 2: +2 haste
Golden amulet lvl 1: unusable active + increased item drop chance
Golden amulet lvl 2: guaranteed T5 drop on bosses
Ring lvl 1: +5 max mp
Ring lvl 2: +10 max mp
Fire ring lvl 1: +1 dmg
Fire ring lvl 2: +2 dmg
Water ring lvl 1: +1 magic
Water ring lvl 2: +2 magic
Earth ring lvl 1: +1 defense
Earth ring lvl 2: +2 defense
Golden ring lvl 1: unusable passive + double coin drops
Golden ring lvl 2: double mine, chop and fish drops
- Haste: increase move and attack speed
- Magnet: automatically collect items
- Torch: increase vision radius
- Compass: point to target
- Gold compass: point to blob
- Map: minimap on pause
- Axe: chop trees
- Pickaxe: mine minerals
- Revive: prevent death (99 gold)
- Boat: swim on water
- Key: open doors
- Extra life (max 1)
- Max HP
- Max MP
- HP flask
- MP flask
- (max 3 flasks total)
- Charm: circle around hero
- Elemental charm lvl 1: on hit effect
- Elemental charm lvl 2: trigger small wave spell on hit
- Pet: attack close enemies, heal by using hp, revive with mana
- Elemental pet lvl 1: on hit effect + attack
- Elemental pet lvl 2: armor effects + defense
- Leveling up by killing mobs/completing quests
- Burning (damage)
- Frozen (stunned)
- Swimming (slowed)
- Diving (oxygen)
- Intro (walk, collect, attack, talk, use)
- Boss room
- Village
- Water town
- Forest (trees)
- Rocks
- Lakes (islands)
- Desert (cacti)
- Volcano (lava)
- Ocean (deep water)
- Underwater world (oxygen breathe)
- Ice
- Day and night (fog)
- Mist
- Snowing
- Raining
Maroon: "Hills" world
Grey: "City" world
Red: "Desert" world (mist) - desert (neutral), volcano (red tribe), oasis
Blue: "Ocean" world (snowing) - islands (neutral), glacier (blue tribe), ocean
Green: "Jungle" world (raining) - forest (neutral), jungle (green tribe), rivers
Fuchsia: "Volcano" dungeon - lava, islands and stone bridges
Aqua: "Glacier" dungeon - water, islands and wood bridges
Yellow: "Cave" dungeon - caves, forests and doors
White: aether world - WFC generation
Glitch: void world - disappearing
Rainbow: rainbow world - all elements
- Air (empty)
- Path
- Rock
- Sand
- Ice (slippery?)
- Water (splash waves, dripping)
- Soil (plant)
- Fence
- Tree
- Cactus (spikes)
- Flower
- Bush
- Fence and door
- Axe: hedge (empty), tree (1 stick), oak, (1 wood)
- Pickaxe: rock (1 ore), mines only on higher elevations (1 iron, gold, diamond)
- Colored soils
- Consume 1 resource, grow up to 3 or full stack
- Bucket water, 10 water stacks
- Fishing rod
- Reaction time (trigger)
- Drop behind player
- Stick or ore (unlucky)
- Drop nothing if too slow
- Bubble as fishing spots
- Appears after X time of visibility
- Each attempt uses one worm
- Normal fish or algae (hp or mp)
- Golden fish sell for 10 coin, pull on string (end fishing spot)
- After too many retries, shark appears and eats fish
10 stick + 3 coin = 1 wood
10 ore + 3 coin = 1 iron
10 single berry + 1 coin = 1 berry
10 single flower + 1 coin = 1 flower
5 wood + 5 coin = 1 iron
10 iron + 5 coin = 1 gold
10 gold + 10 coin = 1 diamond
10 diamond + 20 coin = 1 ruby gem
10 flower + 25 gold = 1 fire essence
10 berry + 25 gold = 1 water essence
10 spike + 25 gold = 1 earth essence
1 gold + 1 essence = 1 rainbow shard
10 rainbow shards + 10 gold = 1 rainbow gem
10 void shards + 10 gold = 1 void gem
99 coin = 1 gold
1 stick = wood sword (on collect)
5 iron + 1 wood sword = iron sword
5 gold + 1 iron sword = gold sword
5 diamond + 1 gold sword = diamond sword
10 wood + 20 xp = wood shield
10 iron + 1 wood shield = iron shield
10 gold + 1 iron shield = gold shield
10 diamond + 1 gold shield = diamond shield
20 max hp + 10 xp = pet
10 max mp + 20 xp = charm
10 iron + 25 coin = iron amulet
5 iron + 50 coin = iron ring
10 fire essence + 1 gold equipment/accessory = fire equipment/accessory
10 water essence + 1 gold equipment/accessory = water equipment/accessory
10 earth essence + 1 gold equipment/accessory = earth equipment/accessory
10 ruby gem + 1 diamond equipment = ruby equipment
10 void gem + 1 diamond equipment = void equipment
10 aether gem + 1 elemental equipment = aether equipment
10 rainbow gem + 1 elemental equipment = rainbow equipment
T4 sword + passive = elemental passive lvl 1
same T4 shield + pet = elemental pet lvl 2
same T4 wave + charm = elemental charm lvl 2
10 ruby gem + 1 diamond pet lvl 2 = ruby pet lvl 2
10 void gem + 1 diamond pet lvl 2 = void pet lvl 2
10 aether gem + 1 elemental pet lvl 2 = aether pet lvl 2
10 rainbow gem + 1 elemental pet lvl 2 = rainbow pet lvl 2
10 gold + 1 iron amulet = gold amulet
5 gold + 1 iron ring = gold ring
10 diamonds + amulet lvl 1 = amulet lvl 2
5 diamonds + ring lvl 1 = ring lvl 2
hp flask 1 stack
- 1 berry stack + 3 stick
- 3 apple + 3 stick
- 3 coconut + 3 stick
- 3 gem + 3 stick
- 3 fish + 3 stick
hp flask 2 stack
- 3 berry stack + 1 wood
- 10 apple + 1 wood
- 10 coconut + 1 wood
- 10 gem + 1 wood
- 10 fish + 1 wood
mp flask 1 stack
- 1 flower stack + 3 stick
- 3 plum + 3 stick
- 3 banana + 3 stick
- 3 crystal + 3 stick
- 3 algae + 3 stick
mp flask 2 stack
- 3 flower stack + 1 wood
- 10 plum + 1 wood
- 10 banana + 1 wood
- 10 crystal + 1 wood
- 10 algae + 1 wood
5 berry + 5 flower = worm stack
1 iron + 5 wood = arrow stack
5 iron + 1 wood = bomb stack
1 bomb stack + 1 essence = elemental bomb
- Banana = Mana Banana
- Durability on equipment, repair with smith or get own hammer
- Own home with chest, multiple characters
- Multiplayer
- Lava / Quicksand
- Passive that generates hp or mp that can be collected
- Crit chance
- Slowing / silencing / disarming
- Max stack size as stat
- Cute cube
- Spray: 3 arrow wave + on-hit proc from bow, collect multiple (25 xp)
- Smash: melee damage multiplier next attack, regenerate on dealing damage (10 xp)
- Elemental bomb
- Spell reflect
- Drop system: decay, drop and dispose on hero
- Fate system: vision on new halo
- Fate system: perish on new tombstone
- Controls: wait for halo spawn action
- Trigger system: spawn on halo
- Fate system: vision on new hero
- only rerenders on reference frame changes, but does not listen to displayable entities
- Attacking should have a bump movement
- Colors should be available without star import
- Pressed button could be implemented in ECS system rather than React state
- Sprite "none" should be obsolete
- Opacity overlaps individual sprites, should be animated color to black
- Dialog does not need to flip if out of range
- Units moving in front of AI in the right time will disupt pathfinding due to discarded path items
- Trading action displays maximum of 2 items
- Tiny shadow on lootable items extends a bit further than on terrains due to loot height
- Mobs walking around the death animation might not receive fog hidden
- Inventory only renders correctly with multiples of 2
- Sprite stacks don't seem to work properly
- Walking against a wall or pushing a box with faster speed than the box causes a delay for next action even no interaction happened
- Fire doesn't need to be a sequence
- For large trees, matrix iteration requires to go column by column