This repository contains the Arduino source code for the Daily HealthChecker.
Fever is a key indicator of a COVID-19 infection. People often are asymptomatic through the initial period and it’s critical to effectively measure body temperature for signs of mild fever. The COVID Daily HealthChecker is a tool that allows for a controlled measurement of body temperature which can be validated by health professionals to rule out false positives.
For more information about this project, please visit:
Arduino Mega 2560
Arduino Ethernet Shield
to communicate with APIs and store measurements on a local SD cardSunfounder Humiture Sensor (with DHT11 sensor)
for accurate measurement of room humidity and body temperatureSunfounder Touch Switch
to allow the temperature sensing mode to be turned in a controlled, repeatable processSainsmart LCD (I2C LCD1602)
- A router to provide network connection to the internet. In my case, I used my phone as an internet hotspot.