Implementation of the research project developed during the Master's thesis of Michele Carlo La Greca at Politecnico di Milano, corresponding to the work related to the preprint available on arXiv.
Agriculture is essential to society. Robotics can boost productivity in agriculture, and robots must be able to accurately perceive the unstructured, dynamic, and possibly covered environment of plants and crops. This complexity presents significant challenges for traditional management methods. The proposed research introduces an approach to overcome the challenges and complexities of fruit perception through Active Vision (AV). Instead of relying on passive observation, AV allows robots to actively perceive, explore, and reconstruct at run-time their surroundings by planning the optimal position of the camera viewpoint using the Next-Best View (NBV) planning, which maximizes the information gained regarding plants and crops. This ensures that even hidden or occluded parts of the environment are effectively captured.
This work applies Zero-Shot Learning (ZSL) to provide useful segmentation, enabling the robot to generalize and adapt to various crops or environmental features without requiring specific training data for each scenario. By leveraging both 3D and semantic data, the robot can reconstruct a detailed, semantic, and context-aware map of the environment, allowing it to strategically adjust its movements and positioning, leading to more effective interactions with the environment.
This work focuses on the following contributions:
- Developed a modular architecture in ROS 2, C++, and Python for Active Vision in agricultural robotics, addressing the challenge of detecting occluded fruits.
- To the best of the author’s knowledge, this is the first work to integrate Zero-Shot Learning with Active Vision exploration, enabling environment-independent operation in agriculture.
- Conducted extensive evaluations both in simulation and real-world scenarios, in contrast to state-of-the-art methods that primarily focus on simulated environments with supervised learning.
- Set a benchmark standard for the lack of reproducibility and availability of open-source code in the context of Active Vision in agricultural robotics.
Step 1: Install the ROS 2 Humble distribution for Ubuntu 22.04 and other useful elements.
- Guide at ROS2 Humble
- Regarding the sourcing, instead of always running the command
source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
, a good practice is to add this line in the end of the bashrc file that can be modified with the commandgedit ~/.bashrc
. After the modification, the file needs to be saved and the terminal restarted.
- Regarding the sourcing, instead of always running the command
- Install RQt tools:
sudo apt install ros-humble-rqt*
. - Install dev tools:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y python3-vcstool
. - Initialize rosdep:
sudo rosdep init
and thenrosdep update
- Install Gazebo Ignition Fortress:
- A full guide is at Gazebo Ignition Fortress.
- After the installation run the command:
export IGNITION_VERSION=fortress
. - Install ROS 2 - Gazebo Ignition integration tools from this repository:
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture)] $(lsb_release -cs) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros2-latest.list'
curl -s | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/ros-archive-keyring.gpg > /dev/null
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/ros-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros2-latest.list'
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install ros-humble-ros-gz
Step 2: Setup Real Robot configuration (for Igus ReBeL and Standalone Realsense 435).
- For what concerns the real robot... TODO
Step 3: Install the dependencies and requirements of the Igus ReBeL ROS 2 repository.
Install MoveIt2:
Guide at MoveIt2
Create a workspace (for example called
) and create a foldersrc
inside -
Add in the bashrc file:
source ../moveit2_ws/install/setup.bash
folder clone the repository:git clone -b $ROS_DISTRO
, thengit fetch --all
, andgit checkout ccf7e5c461e3be0b9c805ce593b18cd11871c435
(a commit of 15 sept 2024 on branch humble) -
folder:for repo in moveit2/moveit2.repos $(f="moveit2/moveit2_$ROS_DISTRO.repos"; test -r $f && echo $f); do vcs import < "$repo"; done
In the same folder:
rosdep install -r --from-paths . --ignore-src --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO -y
folder:MAKEFLAGS="-j4" colcon build --executor sequential --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Install STOMP planner and, since it is not supported for the humble version of ROS 2, some manual modifications are needed:
- Inside
main branch copy the file stomp_planning.yaml (available on the MoveIt2’s github page in the same folder) - Inside
- Download the Stomp folder of the MoveIt2’s github page (inside moveit2/moveit_planners) of commit 489d99617932a453057c03134e04e68092b8a189 of main branch (around 15 sept 2024) and place it in the same local folder (or follow the instruction to build it from source)
- Go in folder
and run:rosdep install --from-paths . --ignore-src --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO
- In
folder:colcon build --packages-select moveit_planners_stomp
- If an error raises with respect to the
#include <moveit/utils/logger.hpp>
not found:- go in the repository
of commit 489d99617932a453057c03134e04e68092b8a189 of main branch (around 15 sept 2024) and from the include and the src folder copy in the local repo the files regarding it:logger.hpp
- in folder
:colcon build --packages-select moveit_core
- go in the repository
- To solve other errors when the stomp package is compiled:
- In
replace the void type of the two solve functions (line 59 and 61) in bool, as well as in the corresponding source file (lines 280 and 215). Moreover, in the src file change the returns of these modified 2 function from empty to false (line 286 and 233) and return true at the end of the function at line 279. - In
comment line 220 removing planning_id, change allres.error_code
, allres.planning_time
, and allres.trajectory
- In
- In
folder:colcon build --packages-select moveit_planners_stomp
- Inside
package created by Simone Giampà in his work:- Download and put the package into the
, then build only this:colcon build --packages-select mobile_manipulation_interfaces
- Download and put the package into the
package created by Simone Giampà in his work:OPTION 1: Use the active-vision-config branch:
- Download from the active-vision-branch the specific package folder
and put it into themoveit_ws/src
folder - In the folder
:colcon build --packages-select moveit2_api
(if can not compile, compile after the compilation of workspace ros2_igus_rebel)
OPTION 2: Use the main branch:
- Download from the main branch the specific package folder and put it into the
- Into the
file:- Change
variable from private to public - Remove
from the declaration of variablecamera_frame_name
(line 57) - in the 3 functions
, add a string argument to define the name of the target pose. Same in themoveit2_api.cpp
bool robotPlanAndMove(geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped::SharedPtr target_pose, std::string target, bool compensation=true); ... double robotPlanAndMove(std::vector<geometry_msgs::msg::Pose> pose_waypoints, std::string target); ... bool robotPlanAndMove(std::array<double, 6> joint_space_goal, std::string target);
- Change
- Into the
file:- Remove the publish text from the init method of the visual tools
# from camera_frame_name(get_parameter("camera_frame").as_string()) { //line 11 ... load_base_arg = this->get_parameter("load_base").as_bool(); //line 13 ... bool loaded = moveit2_node_->get_parameter("planning_plugin", planner_plugin_name); //line 133 # to camera_frame_name("camera_frame") { // line 11 # load base = true if the robotic arm is mounted on the mobile robot base, false if it's mounted on a table camera_frame_name = this->declare_parameter("camera_frame", camera_frame_name); load_base_arg = this->declare_parameter<bool>("load_base", load_base_arg); ... planner_plugin_name = moveit2_node_->declare_parameter("planning_plugin", planner_plugin_name); bool loaded = moveit2_node_->get_parameter("planning_plugin", planner_plugin_name);
- Create a function that convert a goal in the joint space into a goal in the cartesian space:
Eigen::Isometry3d MoveIt2APIs::fromJointSpaceGoalToCartesianPose(std::array<double, 6> joint_space_goal) { moveit::core::RobotState goal_state(*move_group->getCurrentState()); std::vector<double> joint_space_goal_vector(joint_space_goal.begin(), joint_space_goal.end()); goal_state.setJointGroupPositions(joint_model_group, joint_space_goal_vector); move_group->setStartState(*move_group->getCurrentState()); move_group->setGoalPositionTolerance(position_tolerance); // meters ~ 5 mm move_group->setGoalOrientationTolerance(orientation_tolerance); // radians ~ 5 degrees move_group->setPlanningTime(timeout_seconds); move_group->setPlanningPipelineId("stomp"); move_group->setPlannerId("STOMP"); move_group->setMaxVelocityScalingFactor(max_velocity_scaling_joint_space); move_group->setMaxAccelerationScalingFactor(max_acceleration_scaling); bool valid_motion = move_group->setJointValueTarget(goal_state); if (!valid_motion) { throw std::runtime_error("Target joints outside their physical limits"); } const Eigen::Isometry3d goal_pose = goal_state.getGlobalLinkTransform(end_effector_link); Eigen::Isometry3d goal_pose_tf2; geometry_msgs::msg::TransformStamped tf_base_footprint_msg; try { // lookup transform from root base frame (base_footprint when load_base = true) to fixed base frame (igus rebel base link) tf_base_footprint_msg = tf_buffer_->lookupTransform(fixed_base_frame, root_base_frame, tf2::TimePointZero); } catch (const tf2::TransformException &ex) { RCLCPP_ERROR(LOGGER, "%s", ex.what()); throw std::runtime_error(ex.what()); } tf2::doTransform(goal_pose, goal_pose_tf2, tf_base_footprint_msg); // in, out, transform return goal_pose_tf2; }
- Add a bool compensation to the robotPlanAndMove function, that by default is true
# Definition bool robotPlanAndMove(geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped::SharedPtr target_pose, std::string target, bool compensation=true); # Implementation bool MoveIt2APIs::robotPlanAndMove(geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped::SharedPtr target_pose, std::string target, bool compensation) { RCLCPP_INFO(LOGGER, "Planning and moving to %s pose", target.c_str()); geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped::UniquePtr compensated_target_pose; if (compensation){ // apply offset compensation to the cartesian space target pose compensated_target_pose = compensateTargetPose(*target_pose); } else{ compensated_target_pose = std::make_unique<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped>(*target_pose); } if (!checkIKSolution(compensated_target_pose->pose)) { RCLCPP_ERROR(LOGGER, "No valid IK solution for the %s pose", target.c_str()); //return false; } ...
- Add to each of the 3 robotPlanAndMove function at the beginning:
RCLCPP_INFO(LOGGER, "Planning and moving to %s pose", target.c_str());
- Change
in line, 539, 540, 717.
- Go in
and build:colcon build --packages-select moveit2_api
- Download from the active-vision-branch the specific package folder
Install MoveIt Visual Tools:
- Go in
folder and clone the repository:git clone -b ros2
- In the same folder:
vcs import < moveit_visual_tools/moveit_visual_tools.repos
- In the same folder:
rosdep install -r --from-paths . --ignore-src --rosdistro humble -y
- In the folder
:colcon build --packages-select rviz_visual_tools
colcon build --packages-select graph_msgs
colcon build --packages-select moveit_visual_tools
- If an error raises with respect to trajectory variable, change it manually in the source code.
- Go in
Install the ROS 2 wrapper of the Realsense D435 used in the project:
- Guide at this repository
- First, install the latest Intel® RealSense™ SDK 2.0. Use the Option 2, consisting of installing librealsense2:
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list'
sudo apt install curl # if you haven't already installed curl
curl -s | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt install ros-humble-librealsense2*
- Install the ROS 2 wrapper:
sudo apt install ros-humble-realsense2-*
Install the hardware interface for controlling the Gazebo Ignition robot through MoveIt2:
- Create a workspace (for example called
) and create a foldersrc
inside - Add in the bashrc file:
source ../gz_ros2_control/install/setup.bash
- In
folder clone the humble branch of the repository containing the hardware interface for Gazebo Ignition:git clone --single-branch --branch humble
- In the same folder:
rosdep install -r --from-paths . --ignore-src --rosdistro humble -y
- In
folder:colcon build
- Create a workspace (for example called
Install ros2_control:
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-ros2-control
Install ros2_controllers:
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-ros2-controllers
Install tf_transformations:
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-tf-transformations
Install AgileX Scout description package:
- Download the main branch of repo and place only the folder
into a new workspaceagilex_scout/src
- In the file
comment or remove the 82-94 lines, so that wheels are not loaded (to solve an error). - In the workspace folder
:colcon build
- Add in the bashrc file:
source ../agilex_scout/install/setup.bash
- Download the main branch of repo and place only the folder
Step 4: Clone the active vision branch of the Igus ReBeL ROS 2 repository.
- While the master branch is the general integration of the Igus ReBeL robotic arm into ROS 2, the active vision branch has some elements strictly related to the current project and some packages have been removed (servo, commander and gripper controller).
- Create a workspace (for example called
) and create a foldersrc
inside - Add in the bashrc file:
source ../ros2_igus_rebel/install/setup.bash
- In
folder run:git clone --single-branch --branch active-vision-config
rosdep install -i --from-path src --rosdistro humble -y
to install the dependencies (maybe it is not needed)pip install xacro
- In the workspace folder run:
colcon build
source ~/.bashrc
to make effective the changes (or restart the terminal)- In the folder
:colcon build --packages-select moveit2_api
Step 5: Install the dependencies of this repository.
Install depth_image_proc package:
sudo apt install ros-humble-depth-image-proc*
Install PCL:
sudo apt-get install ros-humble-pcl-ros
Install Octomap library:
From this repostory download the latest version as source file (.zip)
Create a workspace
where the content of the .zip file is extracted -
In folder
:colcon build
source ../octomap_ws/install/setup.bash
Ignore the warnings of the deprecated functions used in the package
Re-build with
colcon build --cmake-arg -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
if it is needed to have the flag release (suggested)a warning may raise:
```bash CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:39 (add_library): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target moveit_visual_tools because there is a cycle in the constraint graph: ... dir 0 is [/home/michelelagreca/Documents/robotics/movit2_ws/install/graph_msgs/lib] dir 1 is [/home/michelelagreca/Documents/robotics/movit2_ws/install/moveit_ros_planning/lib] dir 2 is [/home/michelelagreca/Documents/robotics/movit2_ws/install/rviz_visual_tools/lib] dir 3 is [/home/michelelagreca/Documents/robotics/movit2_ws/install/moveit_ros_occupancy_map_monitor/lib] dir 4 is [/home/michelelagreca/Documents/robotics/movit2_ws/install/moveit_core/lib] dir 5 is [/opt/ros/humble/lib] dir 7 must precede it due to runtime library [] dir 6 is [/home/michelelagreca/Documents/robotics/octomap_ws/install/octomap-distribution/lib] dir 7 must precede it due to runtime library [] dir 7 is [/opt/ros/humble/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu] dir 6 must precede it due to runtime library [] dir 8 is [/home/michelelagreca/Documents/robotics/movit2_ws/install/moveit_msgs/lib] dir 9 is [/opt/ros/humble/opt/rviz_ogre_vendor/lib] ... Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:52 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target moveit_visual_tools_demo because there is a cycle in the constraint graph: ... dir 0 is [/home/michelelagreca/Documents/robotics/movit2_ws/build/moveit_visual_tools] dir 1 is [/home/michelelagreca/Documents/robotics/movit2_ws/install/graph_msgs/lib] dir 2 is [/home/michelelagreca/Documents/robotics/movit2_ws/install/moveit_ros_planning/lib] dir 3 is [/home/michelelagreca/Documents/robotics/movit2_ws/install/rviz_visual_tools/lib] dir 4 is [/home/michelelagreca/Documents/robotics/movit2_ws/install/moveit_ros_occupancy_map_monitor/lib] dir 5 is [/home/michelelagreca/Documents/robotics/movit2_ws/install/moveit_core/lib] dir 6 is [/opt/ros/humble/lib] dir 8 must precede it due to runtime library [] dir 7 is [/home/michelelagreca/Documents/robotics/octomap_ws/install/octomap-distribution/lib] dir 8 must precede it due to runtime library [] dir 8 is [/opt/ros/humble/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu] dir 7 must precede it due to runtime library [] dir 9 is [/home/michelelagreca/Documents/robotics/movit2_ws/install/moveit_msgs/lib] dir 10 is [/opt/ros/humble/opt/rviz_ogre_vendor/lib] ... Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. ```
:- Create a workspace
- In the folder
:git clone
- In the folder
:git clone --single-branch --branch ros2
- Install dependencies:
rosdep install -r --from-paths . --ignore-src --rosdistro humble -y
- In folder
:sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove ros-humble-octomap-msgs
- In folder
:colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select octomap_msgs
- In folder
:colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select octomap_server2
- Ignore warnings
- Source:
source ../octomap_server2_ws/install/setup.bash
- Create a workspace
Install Lang SAM:
pip install torch torchvision
Move to
Download the repository
at the commit134a48a
made on Nov 1st 2023, and copy the folderlang_sam
into thesite-packages
folder -
Install dependencies:
```bash pip install addict==2.4.0 aiofiles==23.1.0 aiohttp==3.8.4 aiosignal==1.3.1 \ altair==5.0.1 anyio==3.7.1 arrow==1.2.3 async-timeout==4.0.2 attrs==23.1.0 \ backoff==2.2.1 beautifulsoup4==4.12.2 blessed==1.20.0 certifi==2023.5.7 \ charset-normalizer==3.2.0 click==8.1.4 cmake==3.26.4 contourpy==1.1.0 \ croniter==1.4.1 cycler==0.11.0 dateutils==0.6.12 deepdiff==6.3.1 \ exceptiongroup==1.1.2 fastapi==0.100.0 ffmpy==0.3.0 filelock==3.12.2 \ fonttools==4.41.0 frozenlist==1.4.0 fsspec==2023.6.0 gradio==3.32.0 \ gradio-client==0.2.9 groundingdino-py==0.1.0 h11==0.14.0 httpcore==0.17.3 \ httpx==0.24.1 huggingface-hub==0.13.4 idna==3.4 importlib-metadata==6.8.0 \ importlib-resources==6.0.0 inquirer==3.1.3 itsdangerous==2.1.2 jinja2==3.1.2 \ jsonschema==4.18.2 jsonschema-specifications==2023.6.1 kiwisolver==1.4.4 \ lightning==2.0.5 lightning-cloud==0.5.37 \ lightning-utilities==0.9.0 linkify-it-py==2.0.2 lit==16.0.6 \ markdown-it-py==2.2.0 markupsafe==2.1.3 matplotlib==3.7.2 \ mdit-py-plugins==0.3.3 mdurl==0.1.2 mpmath==1.3.0 multidict==6.0.4 \ networkx==3.1 numpy==1.24.4 nvidia-cublas-cu11== \ nvidia-cuda-cupti-cu11==11.7.101 nvidia-cuda-nvrtc-cu11==11.7.99 \ nvidia-cuda-runtime-cu11==11.7.99 nvidia-cudnn-cu11== \ nvidia-cufft-cu11== nvidia-curand-cu11== \ nvidia-cusolver-cu11== nvidia-cusparse-cu11== \ nvidia-nccl-cu11==2.14.3 nvidia-nvtx-cu11==11.7.91 opencv-python== \ ordered-set==4.1.0 orjson==3.9.2 pandas==2.0.3 pillow==9.3.0 \ pkgutil-resolve-name==1.3.10 platformdirs==3.8.1 pycocotools==2.0.6 \ pydantic==1.10.11 pydub==0.25.1 pyjwt==2.7.0 pyparsing==3.0.9 \ python-editor==1.0.4 python-multipart==0.0.6 pytorch-lightning==2.0.5 \ pytz==2023.3 pyyaml==6.0 readchar==4.0.5 referencing==0.29.1 regex==2023.6.3 \ requests==2.31.0 rich==13.4.2 rpds-py==0.8.10 safetensors==0.3.1 \ segment-anything==1.0 semantic-version==2.10.0 sniffio==1.3.0 \ soupsieve==2.4.1 spectral==0.23.1 starlette==0.27.0 starsessions==1.3.0 \ supervision==0.6.0 sympy==1.12 timm==0.9.2 tokenizers==0.13.3 \ tomli==2.0.1 toolz==0.12.0 torch==2.0.1 torchmetrics==1.0.0 \ torchvision==0.15.2 tqdm==4.65.0 transformers==4.29.0 triton==2.0.0 \ tzdata==2023.3 uc-micro-py==1.0.2 urllib3==2.0.3 uvicorn==0.22.0 \ websocket-client==1.6.1 websockets==11.0.3 yapf==0.40.1 yarl==1.9.2 \ zipp==3.16.1 lang-sam==0.1.0 ```
At the first run of this model, sometime is required to download the models.
to the PATH- Open a terminal and edit your shell configuration file (e.g., .bashrc for Bash users or .zshrc for Zsh users) with a text editor:
gedit ~/.bashrc
- Add the following line at the end of the file:
export PATH="$PATH:/home/michelelagreca/.local/bin"
source ~/.bashrc
- Open a terminal and edit your shell configuration file (e.g., .bashrc for Bash users or .zshrc for Zsh users) with a text editor:
Install YOLO World + EfficentViT SAM:
- Move inside the
folder - Into this folder:
git clone
- Move to the folder:
where the fileRequirements.txt
is located pip install -r requirements.txt
- Copy the
folder of the repository
into the site-packages folder - From
download the EfficientViT-L0 model checkpoint and rename
- Place the model in a models folder. This folder should be in the folder containing all the other workspaces used in the project
- If there are problems related to the package
:pip install --upgrade pydantic
- If there are problems related to the package
:pip install --upgrade supervision
- Move inside the
Step 6: Clone the main branch of this repository.
- Create a workspace (for example called
) and create a foldersrc
inside - Add in the bashrc file:
source ../active_vision/install/setup.bash
- In
folder run:git clone
- Copy the content of the cloned
folder (also .git and .gitignore files) intosrc
folder, adn remove the folderimages
- Downgrade setuptools (from 70.0.0 to a lower version):
python3 -m pip install setuptools==69.5.1
- In the workspace folder run:
colcon build --packages-select av_interfaces
- In the workspace folder run:
colcon build
- Ignore warnings
source ~/.bashrc
to make effective the changes (or restart the terminal)
ros2 launch igus_rebel_description_ros2 load_base:=false mount:=none end_effector:=none camera:=none moveit:=false
- The command executes a launch file that visualize the Igus ReBeL robot on RViz2, controllable using the Joint State Publisher GUI.
- The real Igus ReBeL robot can not be controlled using the Joint State Publisher GUI, thus the argument
should be keptsimulation
(default value). - It is possible to change the arguments:
. - If camera is inserted, no data will be shown due to the absence of a simulated or real-word environment from which the data comes.
- The argument
should be keptfalse
to not run MoveIt2 framework for control.
ros2 launch igus_rebel_description_ros2 load_base:=false mount:=none camera:=none end_effector:=none load_gazebo:=true moveit:=false
- The command executes a launch file that run the simulation on Gazebo Ignition and visualizes the Igus ReBeL robot on RViz2, controllable using the Joint Position Controller GUI on Gazebo Ignition.
- The real Igus ReBeL robot can not be controlled since Gazebo Ignition simulation is used, thus the argument
should be keptsimulation
(default value). - It is possible to change the arguments:
. - If camera is inserted, data will be shown coming from the simulated environment. Change topics if needed.
- The additional arguments
are used to set the position of the spawned robot on Gazebo Ignition. - The additional argument
specifies the package where the gazebo world and configuration to use are located. It requires the full name of the package, otherwise it will default to this package. - The additional argument
specifies the name of the world file to be loaded in Gazebo Ignition of the type: name.sdf. - The argument
should be keptfalse
to not run MoveIt2 framework for control. - The argument
must betrue
to run the simulation.
ros2 launch igus_rebel_moveit_config load_base:=false mount:=none camera:=none end_effector:=none
- The command executes a launch file that run the Igus ReBeL robot on RViz2, controllable using the MoveIt2 framework directly from RViz2.
- The real Igus ReBeL robot can be controlled using the MoveIt2 framework commands by changing the arguments to
hardware_protocol:=cri load_base:=true
. - It is possible to change the arguments:
. - If camera is inserted, no data will be shown due to the absence of a simulated or real-word environment from which the data comes.
- When running MoveIt2 with a mount and a end effector that is not of that mount and a camera, there is the collision fixed of the camera link. EG v2, realsense and toucher dont enable collision of the camera link. Not a big problem.
ros2 launch igus_rebel_moveit_config load_base:=false mount:=none camera:=none end_effector:=none load_gazebo:=true hardware_protocol:=ignition
- The command executes a launch file that run the simulation on Gazebo Ignition and visualizes the Igus ReBeL robot on RViz2, controllable using the the MoveIt2 framework directly from RViz2.
- The real Igus ReBeL robot can not be controlled since Gazebo Ignition simulation is used, thus the argument
should be keptsimulation
(default value). - It is possible to change the arguments:
. - If camera is inserted, data will be shown coming from the simulated environment. Change topics if needed.
- The additional arguments
are used to set the position of the spawned robot on Gazebo Ignition. - The additional argument
specifies the package where the gazebo world and configuration to use are located. It requires the full name of the package, otherwise it will default to this package. - The additional argument
specifies the name of the world file to be loaded in Gazebo Ignition of the type: name.sdf. - The argument
must be keptignition
. - The argument
must betrue
to run the simulation.
The first functionality of the architecture is to create and continuously update the occupancy and semantic OctoMap starting from the input data. A decentralized approach is used, based on topic communication between the nodes responsible for various functionalities, such as segmentation, point cloud creation, and OctoMap creation. The execution of these nodes is initiated from a ROS 2 launch file and spun indefinitely until a termination command is run. The methodology is based on four nodes communicating through topics: the sensors node, the segmentation node, the point cloud node, and the OctoMap node.
For what concerns the
, the command to execute it is:ros2 launch av_bringup run_robot:=true run_rviz:=true run_pt:=true run_octomap:=true
- The occupancy octomap is created and updated.
- Several parameters can be changed in the yaml configuration file ``.
- The additional arguments
are used to set the position of the spawned robot on Gazebo Ignition. - Add the extra arguments
load_gazebo:=false test_camera:=true
to start only the realsense and the data streaming. - Add the extra arguments
load_gazebo:=false hardware_protocol:=cri moveit:=true
to start the real Igus ReBeL robot and the data streaming. - Set
arguments as preferred. In particular withload_base:=true
, add also the parameterpointcloud_min_z:=-0.28
in the yaml file.
Example command to execute the OctoMap creation functionality starting from the data coming from the camera mounted on the simulated Igus ReBeL in Gazebo Ignition:
ros2 launch av_bringup run_robot:=true run_rviz:=true run_pt:=true run_octomap:=true load_base:=false mount:=mount_v2 camera:=realsense end_effector:=none
- It is possible to move the robot using the Joint Position Controller GUI in Gazebo Ignition.
- It is possible to move the robot using the Joint Position Controller GUI in Gazebo Ignition.
Example command to execute the OctoMap creation functionality starting from the data coming from the Realsense camera runned standalone without real robot:
ros2 launch av_bringup run_robot:=true run_rviz:=true run_pt:=true run_octomap:=true load_gazebo:=false test_camera:=true
Example command to execute the OctoMap creation funcionality starting from the data coming from the Realsense camera mounted on the real Igus ReBeL robot:
ros2 launch av_bringup run_robot:=true run_rviz:=true run_pt:=true run_octomap:=true load_gazebo:=false hardware_protocol:=cri moveit:=true load_base:=true mount:=mount_v2 camera:=realsense end_effector:=soft_gripper
- It is possible to move the robot using the MoveIt2 commands in RViz2.
For what concerns the
, the command to execute it is:ros2 launch av_bringup run_robot:=true run_rviz:=true run_color_filter:=true run_pt:=true run_s_pt:=true run_octomap:=true
- The occupancy octomap and the semantic OctoMap is created and updated. The semantic information comes from the color-filtering segmentation node.
- Several parameters can be changed in the yaml configuration file ``.
- The additional arguments
are used to set the position of the spawned robot on Gazebo Ignition. - Add the extra arguments
load_gazebo:=false test_camera:=true
to start only the realsense and the data streaming. - Add the extra arguments
load_gazebo:=false hardware_protocol:=cri moveit:=true
to start the real Igus ReBeL robot and the data streaming. - Set
arguments as preferred. In particular withload_base:=true
, add also the parameterpointcloud_min_z:=-0.28
in the yaml file.
Example command to execute the OctoMap creation functionality starting from the data coming from the camera mounted on the simulated Igus ReBeL in Gazebo Ignition:
ros2 launch av_bringup run_robot:=true run_rviz:=true run_color_filter:=true run_pt:=true run_s_pt:=true run_octomap:=true load_base:=false mount:=mount_v2 camera:=realsense end_effector:=soft_gripper
- It is possible to move the robot using the Joint Position Controller GUI in Gazebo Ignition.
- It is possible to move the robot using the Joint Position Controller GUI in Gazebo Ignition.
Example command to execute the OctoMap creation functionality starting from the data coming from the Realsense camera runned standalone without real robot:
ros2 launch av_bringup run_robot:=true run_rviz:=true run_color_filter:=true run_pt:=true run_s_pt:=true run_octomap:=true load_gazebo:=false test_camera:=true
Example command to execute the OctoMap creation funcionality starting from the data coming from the Realsense camera mounted on the real Igus ReBeL robot:
ros2 launch av_bringup run_robot:=true run_rviz:=true run_color_filter:=true run_pt:=true run_s_pt:=true run_octomap:=true load_gazebo:=false hardware_protocol:=cri moveit:=true load_base:=true mount:=mount_v2 camera:=realsense end_effector:=soft_gripper
- It is possible to move the robot using the MoveIt2 commands in RViz2.
For what concerns the
, the command to execute it is:ros2 launch av_bringup run_robot:=true run_rviz:=true run_lang_sam:=true run_pt:=true run_s_pt:=true run_octomap:=true
- The occupancy octomap and the semantic OctoMap is created and updated. The semantic information comes from the Lang SAM segmentation node.
- Several parameters can be changed in the yaml configuration file ``.
- The additional arguments
are used to set the position of the spawned robot on Gazebo Ignition. - Add the extra arguments
load_gazebo:=false test_camera:=true
to start only the realsense and the data streaming. - Add the extra arguments
load_gazebo:=false hardware_protocol:=cri moveit:=true
to start the real Igus ReBeL robot and the data streaming. - Set
arguments as preferred. In particular withload_base:=true
, add also the parameterpointcloud_min_z:=-0.28
in the yaml file.
Example command to execute the OctoMap creation functionality starting from the data coming from the camera mounted on the simulated Igus ReBeL in Gazebo Ignition:
ros2 launch av_bringup run_robot:=true run_rviz:=true run_lang_sam:=true run_pt:=true run_s_pt:=true run_octomap:=true load_base:=false mount:=mount_v2 camera:=realsense end_effector:=soft_gripper spawn_x:=-1.0 spawn_yaw:=0.0 spawn_y:=3.0
- It is possible to move the robot using the Joint Position Controller GUI in Gazebo Ignition.
- It is possible to move the robot using the Joint Position Controller GUI in Gazebo Ignition.
Example command to execute the OctoMap creation functionality starting from the data coming from the Realsense camera runned standalone without real robot:
ros2 launch av_bringup run_robot:=true run_rviz:=true run_lang_sam:=true run_pt:=true run_s_pt:=true run_octomap:=true load_gazebo:=false test_camera:=true
Example command to execute the OctoMap creation funcionality starting from the data coming from the Realsense camera mounted on the real Igus ReBeL robot:
ros2 launch av_bringup run_robot:=true run_rviz:=true run_lang_sam:=true run_pt:=true run_s_pt:=true run_octomap:=true load_gazebo:=false hardware_protocol:=cri moveit:=true load_base:=true mount:=mount_v2 camera:=realsense end_effector:=soft_gripper
- It is possible to move the robot using the MoveIt2 commands in RViz2.
For what concerns the
, the command to execute it is:ros2 launch av_bringup run_robot:=true run_rviz:=true run_yolo_world:=true run_pt:=true run_s_pt:=true run_octomap:=true
- The occupancy octomap and the semantic OctoMap is created and updated. The semantic information comes from the YOLO World + EfficientViT SAM segmentation node.
- Several parameters can be changed in the yaml configuration file ``.
- The additional arguments
are used to set the position of the spawned robot on Gazebo Ignition. - Add the extra arguments
load_gazebo:=false test_camera:=true
to start only the realsense and the data streaming. - Add the extra arguments
load_gazebo:=false hardware_protocol:=cri moveit:=true
to start the real Igus ReBeL robot and the data streaming. - Set
arguments as preferred. In particular withload_base:=true
, add also the parameterpointcloud_min_z:=-0.28
in the yaml file.
Example command to execute the OctoMap creation functionality starting from the data coming from the camera mounted on the simulated Igus ReBeL in Gazebo Ignition:
ros2 launch av_bringup run_robot:=true run_rviz:=true run_yolo_world:=true run_pt:=true run_s_pt:=true run_octomap:=true load_base:=false mount:=mount_v2 camera:=realsense end_effector:=soft_gripper spawn_x:=-1.0 spawn_yaw:=0.0 spawn_y:=3.0
- It is possible to move the robot using the Joint Position Controller GUI in Gazebo Ignition.
- It is possible to move the robot using the Joint Position Controller GUI in Gazebo Ignition.
Example command to execute the OctoMap creation functionality starting from the data coming from the Realsense camera runned standalone without real robot:
ros2 launch av_bringup run_robot:=true run_rviz:=true run_yolo_world:=true run_pt:=true run_s_pt:=true run_octomap:=true load_gazebo:=false test_camera:=true
Example command to execute the OctoMap creation funcionality starting from the data coming from the Realsense camera mounted on the real Igus ReBeL robot:
ros2 launch av_bringup run_robot:=true run_rviz:=true run_yolo_world:=true run_pt:=true run_s_pt:=true run_octomap:=true load_gazebo:=false hardware_protocol:=cri moveit:=true load_base:=true mount:=mount_v2 camera:=realsense end_effector:=soft_gripper
- It is possible to move the robot using the MoveIt2 commands in RViz2.
The main functionality of the architecture is performing Active Vision for creating a 3D reconstruction of the agricultural environment using a centralized approach. Different from the decentralized approach, it combines all the functionalities related to the Active Vision into a single node using multi-threading. Regarding the Active Vision Pipeline Block, a MultiThreadedExecutor defined in the main node is used to allow multiple nodes to run in separate threads: MoveIt2APICreator, SegmentationClient, PointcloudCreator, SegmentedPointcloudCreator, ExtendedOctomapCreator, and Pipeline. For what concerns the Segmentation Block, an independent client-server node is employed, managed by using a ROS 2 service. Finally, the Robot Block consists of executing all the entities related to the Igus ReBeL robot.
- To perform 3D reconstruction using the predefined planning:
- Run the segmentation server:
ros2 launch av_bringup run_yolo_world:=true
; - Run the Igus ReBeL robot block:
ros2 launch av_bringup run_robot_moveit:=true spawn_x:=-0.7 spawn_y:=3.0 spawn_yaw:=0.0
; - Run the active vision pipeline with predefined planning:
ros2 launch av_bringup run_active_vision_pipeline:=true
- Run the segmentation server:
- To perform 3D reconstruction using the NBV planning:
- Run the segmentation server:
ros2 launch av_bringup run_yolo_world:=true
; - Run the Igus ReBeL robot block:
ros2 launch av_bringup run_robot_moveit:=true spawn_x:=-0.7 spawn_y:=3.0 spawn_yaw:=0.0
; - Run the active vision pipeline with NBV planning:
ros2 launch av_bringup run_active_vision_pipeline:=true
- Run the segmentation server:
- To perform 3D reconstruction using the predefined planning:
- Run the segmentation server:
ros2 launch av_bringup run_yolo_world:=true
; - Run the Igus ReBeL robot block:
ros2 launch av_bringup run_robot_moveit:=true spawn_x:=-0.95 spawn_yaw:=0.0 load_base:=true
; - Run the active vision pipeline with predefined planning:
ros2 launch av_bringup run_active_vision_pipeline:=true load_base:=true
- Run the segmentation server:
- To perform 3D reconstruction using the NBV planning:
- Run the segmentation server:
ros2 launch av_bringup run_yolo_world:=true
; - Run the Igus ReBeL robot block:
ros2 launch av_bringup run_robot_moveit:=true spawn_x:=-0.95 spawn_yaw:=0.0 load_base:=true
; - Run the active vision pipeline with NBV planning:
ros2 launch av_bringup run_active_vision_pipeline:=true load_base:=true
- Run the segmentation server:
- To perform 3D reconstruction using the predefined planning:
- Run the segmentation server:
ros2 launch av_bringup run_yolo_world:=true
; - Run the Igus ReBeL robot block:
ros2 launch av_bringup run_robot_moveit:=true load_base:=true hardware_protocol:=cri load_gazebo:=false
; - Run the active vision pipeline with predefined planning:
ros2 launch av_bringup run_active_vision_pipeline:=true load_base:=true hardware_protocol:=cri load_gazebo:=false
- Run the segmentation server:
- To perform 3D reconstruction using the NBV planning:
- Run the segmentation server:
ros2 launch av_bringup run_yolo_world:=true
; - Run the Igus ReBeL robot block:
ros2 launch av_bringup run_robot_moveit:=true load_base:=true hardware_protocol:=cri load_gazebo:=false
; - Run the active vision pipeline with NBV planning:
ros2 launch av_bringup run_active_vision_pipeline:=true load_base:=true load_gazebo:=false hardware_protocol:=cri
- Run the segmentation server: