A collection of functions that provide git related information for displaying on your favorite line.
Above configuration for lightline can be found in the example section. Font used for icons is "FuraCode Nerd Font Mono"
- Add the following line to your
Plug 'APZelos/gitline.vim'
- Run
variable | type | default | description |
g:gitline_enabled | boolean | 1 | enables / disables gitline |
g:gitline_interval | milliseconds | 1000 | the time between each update |
variable | type | default | description |
g:gitline_file_count_enabled | boolean | 1 | enables / disables file count |
g:gitline_file_count_interval | milliseconds | g:gitline_interval | the time between each update |
g:gitline_file_count_prefix | string | "" | prefix added to the file count value |
variable | type | default | description |
g:gitline_branch_name_enabled | boolean | 1 | enables / disables branch name |
g:gitline_branch_name_interval | milliseconds | g:gitline_interval | the time between each update |
g:gitline_branch_name_prefix | string | "" | prefix added to the branch name value |
variable | type | default | description |
g:gitline_fetch_status_enabled | boolean | 1 | enables / disables fetch status |
g:gitline_fetch_status_interval | milliseconds | g:gitline_interval | the time between each update |
g:gitline_ahead_prefix | string | "⇡" | prefix added to the fetch status ahead value |
g:gitline_behind_prefix | string | "⇣" | prefix added to the fetch status behind value |
variable | type | default | description |
g:gitline_file_status_enabled | boolean | 1 | enables / disables file status |
g:gitline_file_status_untracked | string | "U" | untracked file |
g:gitline_file_status_modified | string | "M" | modified file |
let g:gitline_branch_name_prefix = " "
let g:gitline_file_count_prefix = " "
let g:lightline = {
\ 'subseparator': { 'left': '', 'right': '' },
\ 'active': {
\ 'left': [ [ 'mode', 'paste' ],
\ [ 'readonly', 'branchname', 'fetchstatus', 'filecount', 'filename', 'filestatus', 'modified' ] ]
\ },
\ 'component_function': {
\ 'filecount': 'gitline#FileCount',
\ 'branchname': 'gitline#BranchName',
\ 'filestatus': 'gitline#FileStatus',
\ 'fetchstatus': 'gitline#FetchStatus'
\ },
\ }
This software is released under the MIT License.