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Python Starter Project Boilerplate Template - v3.0.0

A Python boilerplate starter project template to setup a baseline Python project for you to get started.

Build Status Licence

Python projects are tricky to setup correctly and as such the creation of this project came about. I hope you enjoy this and enjoy using it as much as I do. This has been recently updated to use the awesome UV tool packaging and dependency toolchain.


Click the Use this template button at the top of this project's GitHub page to get started.

Software Requirements:

  • Python v3.13.x or higher needs to be installed.
  • UV or higher needs to be installed
  • Taskfile to run the build chain commands listed below.


The toolchain is driven by using Taskfile and all commands are managed via the file Taskfile.yml

The list of commands is as follows:

* activate:           Activates the virtual environment.
* clean:              Cleans the environment, deletes the environment.
* create:             Inits the python project using UV and creates and activates a new virtual environment.
* default:            Call Create as default cmd.
* deps:               Install the dependencies.
* docker-build:       builds a docker image based on the docker file
* docker-run:         builds a docker image based on the docker file
* lint:               Lints and type checks the project
* release:            uses pyinstaller to package your Python application into a single package
* run:                Run the script
* test:               Tests the project.
* update:             updates dependency versions
* vulncheck:          Checks for vulnerabilities in the project

Execute using the taskfile utility:

task <command_from_above_list>

To get started type:

  • task create - this will create a new environment, fetch the dependencies and activate the virtual environment in one step.
  • task run - to run project in the src folder.
  • task clean - to delete everything - venv, deps etc.
