I use NeoVim for the little edits I need to do fast without having to use an IDE or a big code editor, one of its amazing pros is it's customizable with a programming language which is Lua.
This is my configuration files made in Lua saved here so I can get it when ever I change my device.
In this config Packer is used as the plugin manager for all plugins.
I don't use ton of plugins with NeoVim, I just use the plugins that I find helpful with the little fast tasks I do with NeoVim; so you'll find this config minimal in compare of other configs for NeoVim.
- nvim-lspconfig
- mason.nvim
- null-ls.nvim
- nvim-cmp
- LuaSnip
- nvim-treesitter
- gitsigns.nvim
- Lualine
only for NeoVim
- Nvim Autopairs
- Presence
Discord Presence
- Telescope
- Nvim Tree
- Comment.nvim
- nvim-surround
- nvim-colorizer.lua
- bufferline.nvim
This repository has been moved to my dotfiles, and this version will be stopped from being supported