Web app using React, NextJS 13 with Server and Client components, Typescript, OpenAI ChatGPT API, Firebase, Firestore, Firebase Admin, NextAuth with Firebase, useSWR, React-Select, React Hot Toast, TailwindCSS
API: https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions
The app folder contains the application wide layout, as well as the navigation routes
Root ('/')
├──Login (if not logged in)
| └──NewChat <==> routes to `/chat/chatId`
| └──ModelSelection <==> calls `api/getModels`
| └──ChatRow <==> routes to `/chat/chatId`
Sub Route ('/chat')
| └──Message
└──ChatInput <==> calls '/api/askQuestion'
pages/api/getModels -> Gets all the Chat Engines or models from the openai api.
pages/api/askQuestions -> Call the ChatGPT api to get a response to the user's prompt. And save the response message to the db.
SWR was used to manage serverside state
// Set the model in one component with a setModel function
const { data: model, mutate: setModel } = useSWR("model", {
fallbackData: "text-davinci-003",
// retrieve the model from SWR cache
const { data: model } = useSWR("model", {
fallbackData: "text-davinci-003",
database -> 'users' collection -> Email documents -> 'chats' collection -> ChatId documents -> 'messages' collection -> messageId documents -> message
To read data client side:
// Retrieve all messages from the db
const [messages, loading, error] = useCollection(
session &&
collection(db, "users", session.user?.email!, "chats", id, "messages"),
orderBy("createdAt", "asc")
To write data client side:
// Save the user's message to the messages collection
await addDoc(
collection(db, "users", session?.user?.email!, "chats", chatId, "messages"),
To write data serverside:
// Add a message to the messages collection
await adminDb
In 'pages/api/auth/[...nextauth].js', Google was configured as the OAuth Provider.
In SessionProvider.tsx, a provider wrapper with the client side session is returned, which is used to wrap everything in the primary Layout.tsx.
Session is obtained in a serverside component with:
import { getServerSession } from "next-auth";
const session = await getServerSession(authOptions);
Session is obtained ina client side component with:
import { useSession } from "next-auth/react";
const { data: session, status } = useSession();