C-IDE is a lightweight C and C++ IDE for systems running Linux.
- Compile and run C, C++ and Java codes.
- Precisely displays compilation error.
- Displays output and take input at runtime.
- Basic features like cut, copy, paste, find and replace.
- User can open multiple files simultaneously in different tabs.
- Auto indentation.
- Keyword highlight acc to language selected.
- User can change font size and style in editor.
- User can set time limit for execution of a program. Upon exceeding that limit the program terminates.
- Shows X and Y co-ordinate of cursor, As well as line numbers.
- All opened files are listed in a tree strucutre so that they could be easily accessed later.
- Auto-complete - suggests a list of possible words when ctrl+space is entered.
Firstly download the final zip file from here - https://github.com/Abhey/C-IDE/releases .To run the software extract the contents of zip file. Open terminal in the newly extracted folder and run the following command on terminal -
java -jar legendary-eureka.jar
Currently only Linux based operating systems are supported, support for Windows and Mac OS X will be added soon.
- Abhey Rana - abheyr@acm.org