Parallel implementation of Aho Corasick algorithm using OpenACC and CUDA
All the experiments were conducted on ironclaw1 and ironclaw2 machines
Hardware Specifications
1. Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @ 2.40GHz
2. 32 GB memory
3. 2 Grid K1 GPU
4. 2 NUMA nodes
Software Specifications
1. Operating System: CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
2. gcc version 4.8.5
3. NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver V8.0.61
- main.cpp: driver file where the execution starts. It is responsible for loading tweets, loading bad words, creating DFA for STT, fail state and running various experiment setups.
- ac_utils.cpp: contains the logic of creating DFA for STT and fail state table.
- ac_serial.cpp: contains the serial implementation of AC algorithm
- ac_open_acc.cpp: contains the OpenACC implementation of AC algorithm
- contains the CUDA implementation of AC algorithm
'data' directory holds all the input data sets.
The project has a Makefile which takes care of compiling the project. Please enter the project folder and then follow the steps given below:
Step 1: make clean -- to make sure old object files are removed
Step 2: make
Step 3: ./acp -l "data/bad_words"
To run a search to find the best 'block size' and 'thread size' for CUDA run
following command after Step 1 and 2:
./acp -l "data/bad_words" -s
After Step 3, you should see something like this on the console:
Type,# of records,# of characters in each record,# of patterns,Runtime (in ms)