PROBLEM STATEMENT: 810 women die everyday as a result of the complexities of childbirth. According to WHO, the main factors that prevent women from receiving or seeking care during pregnancy and childbirth are: Poverty Distance to facilities Lack of information Inadequate and poor quality services
We here are stressing on reducing multiple visits of MOTHER'S TO BE to doctors, distance to facilities and lack of information. Most of the complications develop during pregnancy are preventable or treatable if healthcare provider get time to time information of women and newbie. Physical distance between pregnant women and healthcare providers too should not restrain the quality of treatment they get.
PROPOSED SOLUTION: We have developed a "Newbie Handband" and an Application that assesses the use of sensors and the internet of things IOT as an innovative technology to monitor maternal health during pregnancy.
For projects with Firestore integration, you must first run the following commands to ensure the project compiles:
flutter pub get
flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
This command creates the generated files that parse each Record from Firestore into a schema object.
Flutter SDK, VS Code and Android Studio,
Run the following commands from your terminal:
git clone
to clone this repository -
flutter pub get
in the project root directory to install all the required dependencies.