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Quick Run in Terminal

This is a vscode extension to run C, C++, python, Rust, java, javascript files in vscode terminal. It just cd into the file directory. then clears the terminal. Then runs the program.

how to run?

Install this extension. First open a C, C++, python, rust, java, javascript files. Do one of these following.

  1. use shortcut Ctrl+Alt+C to run the file
  2. right click the Text Editor and then click Compile and run in editor context menu
  3. click Quick Run button in title menu
  4. Open command palette and search Quick Run abd hit enter.


demo GIF


  • compile and run C/C++ file
  • compile and run python file
  • compile and run java file
  • compile and run rust file
  • compile and run javascript file


A compiler/interpreter for your favorite language.

❗️ Important: default C/C++ compiler is set to gcc/g++, For python it is set to python. If you want to use different compiler/interpreter see configurations example.



	// clears the terminal before run.
	"quickRunInTerminal.clearBeforeRun": true,
	// If false saves only active file, otherwise saves all files. 
	"quickRunInTerminal.saveAllFilesBeforeRun": false,
	// empty string means name of the program followed by exe/out
	"quickRunInTerminal.binaryOutputName": "",
	// C/C++
	"quickRunInTerminal.C_compilerPath": "gcc",
	"quickRunInTerminal.Cpp_compilerPath": "g++",
	// Python
	"quickRunInTerminal.Python_interpreterPath": "python",
	// Rust
	"quickRunInTerminal.Rust_compilerPath": "rustc",
	// Java
	"quickRunInTerminal.Java_CompilerPath": "javac",
	"quickRunInTerminal.Java_Runtime": "java",
	// JavaScript
	"quickRunInTerminal.JavaScript_interpreterPath": "node",

Lets say you want to use python3 instade of python as interpreter.

  • go to settings.
  • search quick run in terminal.
  • Find the section where says Quick Run In Terminal: Python_interpreter Path.
  • set that to python3 as python interpreter.

For C/C++ find Quick Run In Terminal: C_compiler Path or Quick Run In Terminal: C_compiler Path to gcc/clang/g++/cc or whatever.


	"quickRunInTerminal.Python_interpreterPath": "/home/user/bin/python3",
	"quickRunInTerminal.Python_interpreterPath": "python3",
	"quickRunInTerminal.Cpp_compilerPath": "/usr/g++",
	"quickRunInTerminal.C_compilerPath": "clang"

NOTE: It says path but if the program is accessable from anywhere then you can just put program name.

Bugs and Issues
