Frank And Oak
It was a collaborative effort taken by 5 team members Aditya Singh, Sarvjoyti, Amrit pal Singh, Varshita Basavaraj, and Harshal Kale and it was completed in 5 days. The purpose of this project was to test our coding skills as well as our team-building skills.
Frontend | Backend
Frontend: Backend: https://deployed-site.whatever Database:
Key features of our project
- Card creation from the backend data
- sorting functions on price ASC and DSCE
- sorting function on the price range such as 0-100,100-250, etc
- sorting on the size such as XL, XS, M & L.
- Cart functions such as increasing the quantity and vice versa & removing the items from the cart
- responsiveness
- Admin Panel
- Authentication
- CRUD operations on the JSON server
git clone (repo link); index.html (open live server).
Render was used for deploying the API which was created using Json-server.
Render was used for deploying the API which was created using Json-server. GET GET /Data GET /Data/:id POST /Data PUT /Data/:id PATCH /Data/:id DELETE /Data/:id
- HTML 5
- Bootstrap
- JSON server
- JavaScript