Based On Develop Microservices on Udemy Course .NET 8 used ASP.NET Web API, Docker, RabbitMQ, MassTransit, gRPC, Yarp Gateway, Redis,SqlServer Udemy Course:
- Implement** different architecture** styles: DDD, Vertical Slice and Clean Architecture
- Implement different patterns: SOLID Principles , Dependency Injection principles, **CQRS ** and Mediator Pattern , Options Pattern , **Proxy ** and Decorator Pattern , Publish-Subscribe Pattern , Api Gateway Pattern , Cache-aside Pattern
- Implements **different Database types: NoSQL ** and Relational : Transactional DocumentDB, PostgreSQL , SQLite , SQL Server , Distributed Caches (Redis) and **Message brokers ** async communication with **RabbitMQ ** and **Masstransit ** library
- Use Popular .NET libraries: Carter , Marten , MediatR , FluentValidation , Mapster , MassTransit , EF Core , Refit
- Implement different communication styles : **Sync ** and **Async ** communication between microservices
- Build a **Highly Performant inter-service gRPC Communication ** with Discount and Basket Microservice
- Microservices **Async Communication Publish Subscribe Pattern w/ RabbitMQ & MassTransit ** for Checkout Basket Between Basket-Ordering Microservices
- Building API Gateways with Yarp Reverse Proxy applying *Gateway Routing Pattern