Configurable react native pull out drawer. Supports displacement, overlay (material design) static (slack style) transitions modes.
npm install rn-drawer
var Drawer = require('rn-drawer')
var DrawerContent = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
Control Panel
var MainView = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
Main View
var Application = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<Drawer content={<DrawerContent />}>
If you want to close the drawer programmatically, use the closeDrawer & openDrawer methods. There is also a drawerActions prop provided to the drawer component, but this may be removed in future versions.
- Menu componenttype
(String: displace:overlay:static) - Type of drawer.animation
(String: spring|linear|easeInOut)linear
- Type of slide animation.openDrawerOffset
- Drawer view left margin if menu is openedclosedDrawerOffset
- Content view left margin if drawer is closedopenDrawerThreshold
- Ratio of screen width that must be travelled to trigger a drawer open/closepanOpenMask
- Ratio of screen width that is valid for the start of a pan open action. Make this number small if you need pans to propagate to children.panCloseMask
- Ratio of screen width that is valid for the start of a pan close action. Make this number small if you need pans to propagate to children.relativeDrag
- true -> open/close calculation based on pan dx : false -> calculation based on absolute pan position (i.e. touch location)panStartCompensation
- true -> drawer will catch up to pan positioninitializeOpen
- true -> drawer will start open
Props are a work in progress, suggestions welcome.
@TODO support right hand drawer and multiple drawers.
//Material Design Style Overlay Drawer
openDrawerOffset={50} //50px gap on the right side of drawer
openDrawerThreshold={.3} //pan must travel 30% to trigger open/close action on release
panOpenMask={.1} //open pan must originate in far left (10%) of screen
panCloseMask={1} //can close with right to left swipe anywhere on screen
content={<Menu />}
<Main />
//Slack Style Static Drawer
openDrawerOffset={100} //100px gap on the right side of drawer
openDrawerThreshold={.3} //pan must travel 30% to trigger open/close action on release
panOpenMask={.05} //open pan must originate in far left (5%) of screen
panCloseMask={.3} //can close with right to left swipe in right hand third of screen
content={<Menu />}
<Main />
//Simple Navigation Style Displacement, Starting Open
content={<Menu />}
<Main />
git clone
Open ``./examples/iosDemo/rndrawereg.xcodeprojectin xcode
Component was adapted from and inspired by
@khanghoang's RNSideMenu
@kureevalexey's react-native-side-menu