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A small study on the income level of people and how it is affected by their education level.


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Today I saw some kid on Tik Tok saying that there’s no point in studying anything because doing so wouldn’t increase your income. I thought that was a pretty bold statement, so I did what any reasonable person would do: I went to Kaggle to find a dataset that would help me prove him wrong.

I found a dataset called income.csv that contains information about american people’s income and education.

You can find it here:

Here’s an explanation of the columns:

Column Description
age Age
workclass A general term indicating the employment status of an individual.
fnlwgt Final weight, representing the number of individuals that this row represents (a representative sample).
education Highest level of education achieved by an individual.
education.num Highest level of education achieved by an individual in numerical form.
marital.status Marital status of an individual. Note that Married-civ-spouse refers to a civilian spouse, and Married-AF-spouse refers to a spouse in the Armed Forces.
occupation General type of occupation of an individual.
relationship Relationship of this individual with others, for example, spouse (Husband). Each data point has only one relationship.
race Race
sex Biological sex of an individual.
capital.gain Capital gains of an individual.
capital.loss Capital losses of an individual.
hours.per.week Number of hours the individual reported working per week. Country of origin.
income Income, less than or equal to $50,000 (<=50K) or more than that (>50K).

For this study I’ll be using the following libraries:

## Warning: package 'readr' was built under R version 4.4.2
## Warning: package 'FactoMineR' was built under R version 4.4.2

Loading and preparing the data

df <- read_csv("income.csv")
## Rows: 25000 Columns: 15
## ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## chr (9): workclass, education, marital.status, occupation, relationship, rac...
## dbl (6): age, fnlwgt, education.num, capital.gain, capital.loss, hours.per.week
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
##       age         workclass             fnlwgt         education        
##  Min.   :17.00   Length:25000       Min.   :  12285   Length:25000      
##  1st Qu.:28.00   Class :character   1st Qu.: 117983   Class :character  
##  Median :37.00   Mode  :character   Median : 178211   Mode  :character  
##  Mean   :38.61                      Mean   : 189661                     
##  3rd Qu.:48.00                      3rd Qu.: 237068                     
##  Max.   :90.00                      Max.   :1484705                     
##  education.num   marital.status      occupation        relationship      
##  Min.   : 1.00   Length:25000       Length:25000       Length:25000      
##  1st Qu.: 9.00   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
##  Median :10.00   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
##  Mean   :10.08                                                           
##  3rd Qu.:12.00                                                           
##  Max.   :16.00                                                           
##      race               sex             capital.gain    capital.loss    
##  Length:25000       Length:25000       Min.   :    0   Min.   :   0.00  
##  Class :character   Class :character   1st Qu.:    0   1st Qu.:   0.00  
##  Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Median :    0   Median :   0.00  
##                                        Mean   : 1083   Mean   :  87.49  
##                                        3rd Qu.:    0   3rd Qu.:   0.00  
##                                        Max.   :99999   Max.   :4356.00  
##  hours.per.week        income         
##  Min.   : 1.00   Length:25000       Length:25000      
##  1st Qu.:40.00   Class :character   Class :character  
##  Median :40.00   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
##  Mean   :40.44                                        
##  3rd Qu.:45.00                                        
##  Max.   :99.00

Let’s go column by column to clean the data and ensure that it’s ready for analysis.

# workclass column should be a factor. "?" values are N/A's
df$workclass <- as.factor(df$workclass)
df$workclass[df$workclass == "?"] <- NA

# Education is also a factor.
df$education <- as.factor(df$education)

# Also, education.num is an ordinal variable, that represents the same information
# as education. To check that this holds through the dataset, we'll simply check
# that there's the same amount of unique values in "education" that there are in
# the combination of "education" and "education.num"
nrow(unique(df[, c("education", "education.num")])) # 16
## [1] 16
length(unique(df$education)) # 16
## [1] 16
# Marital status, occupation, relationship, race and sex are all factors
df$marital.status <- as.factor(df$marital.status)
df$occupation <- as.factor(df$occupation)
df$relationship <- as.factor(df$relationship)
df$race <- as.factor(df$race)
df$sex <- as.factor(df$sex)

# Capital gain is numeric, but it looks like there may be some values that should
# be N/A's (Those that are 99999)
df$capital.gain[df$capital.gain == 99999] <- NA

# Same with hours.per.week, 99 hours per week seems like a lot
df$hours.per.week[df$hours.per.week == 99] <- NA

# Native country is a factor
df$ <- as.factor(df$

# Income is a factor for some reason.
df$income <- as.factor(df$income)

Here’s how the data looks like now:

##       age                   workclass         fnlwgt               education   
##  Min.   :17.00   Private         :17471   Min.   :  12285   HS-grad     :8025  
##  1st Qu.:28.00   Self-emp-not-inc: 1935   1st Qu.: 117983   Some-college:5621  
##  Median :37.00   Local-gov       : 1553   Median : 178211   Bachelors   :4104  
##  Mean   :38.61   State-gov       : 1004   Mean   : 189661   Masters     :1301  
##  3rd Qu.:48.00   Self-emp-inc    :  851   3rd Qu.: 237068   Assoc-voc   :1063  
##  Max.   :90.00   (Other)         :  757   Max.   :1484705   11th        : 905  
##                  NA's            : 1429                     (Other)     :3981  
##  education.num                 marital.status            occupation  
##  Min.   : 1.00   Divorced             : 3390   Prof-specialty :3198  
##  1st Qu.: 9.00   Married-AF-spouse    :   18   Craft-repair   :3132  
##  Median :10.00   Married-civ-spouse   :11518   Exec-managerial:3114  
##  Mean   :10.08   Married-spouse-absent:  312   Adm-clerical   :2884  
##  3rd Qu.:12.00   Never-married        : 8204   Sales          :2812  
##  Max.   :16.00   Separated            :  792   Other-service  :2524  
##                  Widowed              :  766   (Other)        :7336  
##          relationship                   race           sex       
##  Husband       :10146   Amer-Indian-Eskimo:  252   Female: 8282  
##  Not-in-family : 6345   Asian-Pac-Islander:  799   Male  :16718  
##  Other-relative:  744   Black             : 2412                 
##  Own-child     : 3897   Other             :  209                 
##  Unmarried     : 2661   White             :21328                 
##  Wife          : 1207                                            
##   capital.gain    capital.loss     hours.per.week 
##  Min.   :    0   Min.   :   0.00   Min.   : 1.00   United-States:22415  
##  1st Qu.:    0   1st Qu.:   0.00   1st Qu.:40.00   Mexico       :  502  
##  Median :    0   Median :   0.00   Median :40.00   ?            :  437  
##  Mean   :  610   Mean   :  87.49   Mean   :40.28   Philippines  :  142  
##  3rd Qu.:    0   3rd Qu.:   0.00   3rd Qu.:45.00   Germany      :  105  
##  Max.   :41310   Max.   :4356.00   Max.   :98.00   Canada       :   87  
##  NA's   :119                       NA's   :69      (Other)      : 1312  
##    income     
##  <=50K:18955  
##  >50K : 6045  

Exploratory Data Analysis

Now that the data is clean, let’s do some exploratory data analysis to see if we can find any interesting patterns.

Let’s start by looking at the distribution of income

table(df$income, df$education.num)
##            1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   14
##   <=50K   36  131  252  446  383  691  858  320 6744 4530  793  605 2391  574
##   >50K     0    4   13   30   20   45   47   24 1281 1091  270  204 1713  727
##           15   16
##   <=50K  116   85
##   >50K   333  243

It looks like there’s a clear pattern here. Looks like the higher the education, the more likely you are to earn more than 50K a year.

There’s an interesting tool to check whether two categorical values are or not independent. It’s called the Chi-Square test. Let’s use it to check if there’s a statistically significant relationship between income and education.

chisq.test(table(df$income, df$education.num))
##  Pearson's Chi-squared test
## data:  table(df$income, df$education.num)
## X-squared = 3454.5, df = 15, p-value < 2.2e-16

This test assumes the null hypothesis that there is no association between the two variables. The p-value is virtually zero, so we can reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is a significant association between income and education.

Having proven that, we want to check, not only if there’s an association, but also that there is a positive correlation. We’ll check this in two ways.

First, we’ll convert income to a numeric variable that takes values 0 and 1 and then we’ll check the correlation between this new variable and education.num.

income <- as.numeric(df$income) # Easy way to create a numeric column the same size as df$income
income[df$income == "<=50K"] <- 0
income[df$income == ">50K"] <- 1
cor.test(df$education.num, income, method = "spearman")
## Warning in cor.test.default(df$education.num, income, method = "spearman"):
## Cannot compute exact p-value with ties

##  Spearman's rank correlation rho
## data:  df$education.num and income
## S = 1.7371e+12, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true rho is not equal to 0
## sample estimates:
##       rho 
## 0.3329605

Simply by looking at the p-value, which is virtually zero, we can conclude that the hypothesis of there being no correlation between these newly created numeric variables can be rejected. This means that we, again, can conclude that there is a correlation, which the method, also, tells us to be positive (0.33).

Finally, we’ll use a logistic regression to check if we can predict income based on education.

model <- glm(income ~ education.num, data = df, family = "binomial")
## Call:
## glm(formula = income ~ education.num, family = "binomial", data = df)
## Coefficients:
##                Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)   -5.046229   0.080739  -62.50   <2e-16 ***
## education.num  0.367352   0.007163   51.28   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 27657  on 24999  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 24488  on 24998  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 24492
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4
plot(table(df$education.num, income))

From this output, we really only care about the coefficient β1, which refers to the change in the log-odds of the income being greater than 50K for a single education level increase. The value for this coefficient is 0.37, with a p-value of virtually zero (meaning this is a statistically significant result). This means that for every level of education you increase, the odds of you earning more than 50K a year increase by 44% (since e0.37 = 1.44, which is the ratio of proportions).


So, in conclusion, the kid on Tik Tok was wrong. Studying does increase your income. Although, I must admit, I was expecting a bigger effect.


A small study on the income level of people and how it is affected by their education level.







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