Jutge.org is a platform for practicing solving problems in different programming languages. This repository contains my solutions to the problems of the ADSDB course from the MDS master at UPC.
- P87920 Equal to the sum of the rest ✅
- P81966 Dichotomic search ✅
- P41412 Insertion sort ✅
- P52205 Mergesort ✅
- P52023 Reverse Polish notation ✅
- P69643 Checking parenthesis ✅
- P90861 Queues of a supermarket (1) ✅
- X12072 Array Based Stack with Maximum Capacity ✅
- X12385 Implementing a Deque with a Circular Array ✅
- X60068 Queue Concatenation 🟥 - I've seen the private tests, and one is incorrectly defined
- T43800 Queue Rotate ✅
- V45106 Merge Queues ✅
- Z32206 Move element pointed by position to back ✅
- X98439 Merge two sorted linked lists ✅
- X15744 Delete all occurrences of an element ✅
- X17958 Maximum of a General Tree (out) ✅
- Z11868 Search in a BST ✅
- P98436 Trees - Recursive traversal 🟨 - Everybody I've talked to has a PE here, I think a private test might be incorrectly defined
- P37445 Trees - Width ✅
- Z89043 Insert in a BST ✅
- X37904 Maximum of a General Tree ✅
- P83396 Queues of a supermarket (2) 💣 (Delivered Version ✅)
- P40558 Sorting with priority queues 💣 (Delivered Version ✅)
- P59282 Statistical measures 💣 (Delivered Version ✅)
- P92765 Trees - Searching in a binary search tree 💣 (Delivered Version ✅)
- P92776 Trees - Inserting in a binary search tree 💣 (Delivered Version ✅)
- P37064 Dynamic median ✅
- P47386 Gossip ✅
- P56483 Graphs (1) ✅
- P14952 Topological sort ✅
- P13994 Weighted shortest path (2) ✅
- P37001 Graphs (2) ✅
Symbol | Meaning |
✅ | Problem solved and accepted by Jutge.org |
🟨 | Presentation error (Missing a space or newline on some private test) |
💣 | Time limit exceeded (Answer takes longer than the one expected by Jutge.org) |
🟥 | Wrong answer (Answer is incorrect for some private test) |
Note: The "(Delivered Version)" is a pruned (or slightly altered) version of the original solution, which was done to reduce the overhead of the code, and overcome the time limit exceeded error. The original solution is still available in the same folder.