conda create --name imitator python=3.9
conda activate imitator
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download the source data of nuScenes and CARLA, and extract them into
. -
Download the target models' results (ImitatorData)and put them in
. The relationship of different target model trained with different dataset and its results are illustrated in the table:Dataset Results nuScenes nuscenes_ %TargetModel _match_gt.json Kitti kitti_%TargetModel _match_gt.pkl CARLA carla_ %TargetModel _match_gt.pkl where TargetModel = {‘pp’, ‘cp’, ‘pvrcnn’}.
The data is structured as:
|— Datasets | |— carla | | |— carla_new | | |— Maps | |— nuScenes | | |— maps | | |— v1.0-mini | | |— v1.0-trainval | | |— ... |— Perception_Imitation | |— data | | |— nuscenes_pp_match_gt.json | | |— kitti_cp_match_gt.pkl | | |— ... | |— dataset | | |— ... | |— ...
Running code :
python main/ --cfg_dir utils/config/samples/sample_carla
Change datasets
Replace "sample_carla" with "sample_nuscenes" or "sample_kitti".
Change target model
Modify different value of the key "target_model" in file
Running code:
python main/ --cfg_dir utils/config/samples/sample_carla_improve
The rest are the same as the baseline.
Running code:
python main/ --cfg_dir utils/config/samples/sample_carla_improve/
Running code:
python main/ --cfg_dir utils/config/samples/sample_carla_improve/
Running code:
python main/
and the images will be saved in the format of eps in ~/ADModel_Pro/ output/pic/