VeChain public cloud Block Chain service API
MQTT message server
Arm embedded linux sensor
sudo yum -y install epel-release
sudo yum -y install mosquitto
sudo systemctl start mosquitto
sudo systemctl enable mosquitto
mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t test
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t test -m "hello world"
requests==2.22.0 run as sensor simulator data source input , publish message to topic "sensor" run as deamon , subscribe MQTT topic "sensor", recevice message from MQTT broker,
each time pub publish a series message begin with "START" and then sensor data, end end of "STOP" parse message , and store data in local disk , file name with message embeded "order No" is simply monitor mqtt topic message , for debug only. run as deamon, check disk store files , when new files achived , it will generate file contenet data hash
and upload the data has to vechian block chian with "order No." and sub account "sensor" ,and get a unique "vid" as
blockchain key, then store the "vid" pair with "order No." to local file iot_order_vid. and use to verify local stored file dignity ,generate file dada hash
and query from vechain blockchain with local stored peer "vid" for specific "order No." or batch of whole stored "order No."
if stored "order No." file contenet was changed , file data hash will mismatch the data hash queryed from blockchian,
warnning will be reported .
iot_env has the iot related paramaters .
vechain_env has the block chain API related. is an example code for vechain class function .
Config sensor , setup sensor id , orderNo and start/stop sending message
POST URL http://SERVER-IP:PORT/sensorcontrol
HEADER Accept:application/json
BODY { "sensor_id": "07",
"control":{"flag": "STOP",
"orderNo": "0071"}
sensor_id : string | mandatory
flag : string | mandatory START STOP
orderNo : string | mandatory
Get sensor status
POST URL http://SERVER-IP:PORT/sensorstatus
HEADER Accept:application/json
BODY { "sensor_id": "06"}
sendor_id : string | mandatory
sample response
"flag": "STOP",
"orderNo": "0062"
Get batch block chain verification result
GET URL http://SERVER-IP:PORT/batchblockchaincheck
HEADER Accept:application/json
BODY none
sampele response
"result": [
"orderNo": "0032",
"status": "Blockchain Verified"
"orderNo": "0033",
"status": "Blockchain NOT Verified, data changed"
"orderNo": "0018",
"status": "Blockchain Verified"
"total_time": 26
notice : long duration ...
Get Single block chain verification result
POST URL http://SERVER-IP:PORT/singleblockchaincheck
HEADER Accept:application/json
BODY {"orderNo": "0088"}
orderNo : string | mandatory
sample response
"orderData": "['25/12/2019 03:04:48 21.64',
'25/12/2019 03:04:58 21.64',
'25/12/2019 03:05:08 21.64',
'25/12/2019 03:05:19 21.64',
'25/12/2019 03:05:29 21.64',
'25/12/2019 03:29:07 21.72']",
"status": "Verified"
Solid code with more exception throw out and handler ,
SQL for local kv status lock store
Multithread batch data hash upload
console print convert to logging
IOS version 15.9(3)M
Image ir800-universalk9-mz.SPA.159-3.M
IR809 config detail , refer to ./iox_485_gps/IR809_config_sample
docker pull
docker run -it
#opkg update
#opkg install python-pip
#pip install paho-mqtt
#pip install requests
#pip install pyserial
#opkg install python3
#opkg install python3-pip
#pip3 install paho-mqtt
#pip3 install requests
#pip3 install pyserial
docker ps -all
1b3af2f6ee2b "/bin/sh" 8 minutes ago Exited (0) 42 seconds ago strange_goldwasser
docker commit -m "thin iox" -a "thin iox python2" 1b3af2f6ee2b iox_python2:v1
FROM iox_python2:v1
# refer to ./iox_485_gps folder Dockerfile
# refer to ./iox_485_gps folder package.yaml
# refer to ./iox_485_gps folder activation.json
use ioxclient to upload sercei application docker iamge and activate and run
#refer to ./iox_485_gps folder auto_build_sample
clone git
modify IR809 config
REST_API_HOST = "" #edit rest api server ip adress
MQTT_HOST= "" # edit mqtt server ip addresss
modify with your own enviroment
rebuild docker image and ioxclient docker package before demo
RS485 modbus query \x01\x03\x00\x00\x00\x02\xc4\x0b # device id = 1
GPS info use $GPRMC,065832.0,A,3954.064341,N,11637.305742,E,0.0,0.0,190120,6.0,W,A*1A
#check IR809 gps :
show cell 0 gps
#check Docker service via guest OS virsh console :
#ssh -p 2222 cisco@
virsh# list
virsh# console <APP_ID>
output as following sample
Temperature is 27.9
19/01/2020 10:00:09 IR809 0019 3954.067774N/11637.298753E,27.9