Showcase of features of Java EE Platform (JSP/JSF, Servlets, EJB, JMS, WebServices etc)
- Java 1.8 or higher
In a case you have Maven installed locally, just type mvn package tomee:run
or simply mvn
from project root. Otherwise use wrapper according to your OS.
For Windows, use ./mvnw.cmd clean install tomee:run
to launch the project.
mvn package
and then war file would be located on target/javaee-showcase.war
relative path.
Use the following command to build and run docker image for wildfly:
docker build --tag=jboss/wildfly-admin .
docker run -it jboss/wildfly-admin
Then use wildfly-maven-plugin
or other options (like management console) to deploy your application:
mvn clean package wildfly:deploy
And for un-deploy (respectively):
mvn clean package wildfly:undeploy
Visit Wildfly Maven Plugin for more details.
Just navigate to http://localhost:8080/java-ee-showcase