Celera Chemie Ltd. company web site. Built as Angular web project for course at SoftUni.
Celera Chemie is an international company, dealing with laboratory supplies in the South-east Europe region. The company operates sales and logistic offices in Bucharest, Nicosia and Sofia and multi-language service in English, Bulgarian, Greek and Romanian is required.
The Celera Chemie's web application has three levels of access to it's content: administrator, registered user and guest user roles are implemented.
The Administrator has full access to the system and permissions to administer all major information objects. The Administrator is authorized to create / edit / delete product information related with the suppliers. This includes but is not limited to the following: suppliers description, product catalogue and/or price information. The Administrator is authorized to review registered customers contact information and if appropriate- to remove (unauthorize) a registered user when a doubt of scam and/ or inappropriate use of the web application is presented. The following sections are available only to the Administrator: "Products" -> "Edit Product" / "Delete Product"; create "New Product"; view "All Users" -> "Delete User".
After registration and subsequent successful Login to the system, a registered user is authorized to access products related information. This includes detailed product information, a product catalogue and/ or price list available to download and used by the customer. The registered user could edit his account information at any time. If the customer decides that Celera-Chemie services are no longer required, the user profile could be permanently deleted on demand. The registered user is permitted to view the following sections: "Products" -> "Download Catalogue" -> "Visit Official Website"; "User Profile" -> "Edit Profile" / "Delete Profile".
The guest user has access to general information about the company. The following pages are public and visible to any visitor on Celera Chemie Ltd. company web site: "Home", "Contacts", "About us", "Certificates", "Register", "Login".
The application is built entirely on latest JavaScript technologies: Angular (client side) and node.js (server side). All rights of their respective owners are reserved.
The repository of Celera Chemie REST API is available at: https://github.com/AlexTasev/ExpressJS-CeleraChemie. An open connection to MongoDB is required.
When the project is cloned or downloaded, type in the terminal the following in both Server and Client directory:
npm / yarn install
To run the web server type in terminal from Server-Celera-Chemie the following:
node index
The app uses Angular on client side. To run the Angular app type in terminal from celera-chemie-web-project directory the following:
npm / yarn start
By default, the app is running on:
In order to log in as administrator, use the following credentials:
e-mail: admin@celera-chemie.com
password: c3l3r@Adm1nU$erP4$$w0rd