All starter kits should contain a
and run_game.bash
, you can use these scripts to quickly run a game of halite. By default, this script runs the basic Settler bot against itself.
Before submitting a bot, make sure you adhere to our guidelines, or the upload or compilation of your bot will fail.
- You should have a
MyBot.{extension for language}
in the root folder of your zip. For Rust, this should be acargo.toml
- If you are building on top of starter kit provided by us, make sure to include the hlt folder.
- Website: You can use the play page in the Halite website to submit your bot.
- Halite Client: If you a command line experience, you can use the Halite Client tool to upload your bot.
- 2 things that can be done in parallel : 1.1 Define and program actions for each ship (Dock(planet), Move(target), Attack(target), Undock) 1.2 Define the input layer of the neural network and the evaluation function of the state
- Create the design of the Neural Network
- Create a game loop that interact with the Neural Network
- Figure out learning without supervision
- Automate the learning process
- Conquer the world!