This project is not yet optimized
This is a course schedule optimizer that helps students to create a personalized schedule based on their preferences. The program reads course data from JSON files and generates an optimized timetable, considering constraints such as class timings, credit limits, and preferred days.
- Parses course data from JSON files
- Creates a conflict graph of courses based on class timings
- Optimizes the course schedule based on student preferences
- Maximum number of courses
- Maximum number of credits
- Preferred days
- Preferred credits
- Preferred subjects
- Preferred language
- Generates a timetable image of the optimized schedule
Python 3.6 or higher, glob, itertools, re, matplotlib, networkx, pandas, ujson
Clone the repository.
Ensure that the course data JSON files are in the data/ folder.
Run to start the optimization process.
The program generates a course_graph.png file with the conflict graph of courses and a timetable.png file with the optimized timetable.
You can look up here to parse classes.
The course data JSON files should have the following structure:
"subject_code": "SCE492",
"abee_point": 1,
"class_time": "Mon D(Pal 108) Thu D(Pal 108)",
"classroom": "팔108",
"course_category": "전선",
"course_type": "Required Course",
"credit_points": 3,
"department_english": "Software and Computer Engineering",
"department_name": "소프트웨어학과",
"main_lecturer_employee_number": "201610002",
"main_lecturer_english_name": "Hwanyong Lee",
"main_lecturer_name": "이환용",
"subject_english_name": "SW Business Start-up",
"subject_id": "20140224",
"subject_korean_name": "SW창업론",
"year": "2023"
The data was tested with 2023-1 courses. (Total 1772)
# Settings
optimized_schedule = optimize_schedule(
preferred_days={2, 3, 4, 5}, # Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri
preferred_credits={3}, # Only 3-credit courses
preferred_subjects={"아주강좌1"}, # Only courses with these subjects
# preferred_language="English", # Only English courses
# Output
Subject ID: 12011, Korean Name: 아주강좌1, English Name: Ajou Lecture 1, Credit: 1
Subject ID: 20110485, Korean Name: 마음챙김과 자기조절, English Name: Mindfulness & self-regulation, Credit: 3
Subject ID: 20190337, Korean Name: 생물다양성과 진화, English Name: Biodiversity and Evolution, Credit: 3
Subject ID: 10371, Korean Name: 구조역학, English Name: Theory of Structure in Architecture, Credit: 3
Subject ID: 20140544, Korean Name: 범죄와 현대사회, English Name: Crimes in Modern Society, Credit: 3
Subject ID: 20220315, Korean Name: 의학연구입문, English Name: Introduction to Medical Research, Credit: 3
This project is licensed under the MIT License.