Title | Added | Status | Last reviewed |
Search component |
v2.0.0 |
Active |
2019-01-16 |
Searches items for supplied search terms.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
displayWith | Function | null |
null | Function that maps an option's value to its display value in the trigger. |
maxResults | number |
20 | Maximum number of results to show in the search. |
searchTerm | string |
"" | Search term to use when executing the search. Updating this value will run a new search and update the results. |
skipResults | number |
0 | Number of results to skip from the results pagination. |
classList | void |
CSS class for display. |
Name | Type | Description |
error | EventEmitter <any> |
Emitted when an error occurs. |
resultLoaded | EventEmitter < NodePaging > |
Emitted when search results have fully loaded. |
You can add a custom template to show the search results when once they are loaded:
<adf-search [searchTerm]="searchTerm">
<ng-template let-result>
<li *ngFor="let item of result?.list?.entries">
{{ item?.entry.name }}
The results are provided via the $implicit variable of angular2 and can be accessed via the sugar syntax 'let-yourChosenName'. The example above will give results like the following:
However, you can use a more complex template if necessary:
<adf-search class="adf-search-result-autocomplete"
<ng-template let-data>
<mat-list *ngIf="isSearchBarActive()" id="autocomplete-search-result-list">
*ngFor="let item of data?.list?.entries; let idx = index"
<mat-icon matListItemLine>
<img [src]="getMimeTypeIcon(item)" />
<h4 mat-line id="result_name_{{idx}}"
*ngIf="highlight; else elseBlock"
[innerHtml]="item.entry.name | highlight: searchTerm">
{{ item?.entry.name }}</h4>
<ng-template #elseBlock>
<h4 class="adf-search-fixed-text" mat-line id="result_name_{{idx}}" [innerHtml]="item.entry.name"></h4>
<p mat-line class="adf-search-fixed-text"> {{item?.entry.createdByUser.displayName}} </p>
*ngIf="data?.list?.entries.length === 0">
<p mat-line class="adf-search-fixed-text">{{ 'SEARCH.RESULTS.NONE' | translate:{searchTerm: searchTerm} }}</p>
You can also attach an input field to the search component via the searchAutocomplete
Export the search panel instance into a local template variable and bind that variable to the
input's searchAutocomplete
property. The example below demonstrates this with an
instance called "search":
<input type="text" [searchAutocomplete]="search">
<adf-search #search="searchAutocomplete">
<ng-template let-result>
<span *ngFor="let item of result?.list?.entries">
{{ item?.entry.name }}
By doing this, you can get the results as the user types into the input text.
You can get finer control over the parameters of a search by defining them in a custom
SearchRequest object. The recommended way to do this is with a custom implementation of the
Search Configuration interface. The ADF source provides a standard implementation of this
interface, SearchConfigurationService
that you can use as a base to adapt to your needs. See the
Search Configuration interface page for full details of how to
customize your search.