A CLI tool for performing ARP Spoofing.
In computer networking, ARP spoofing, ARP cache poisoning, or ARP poison routing, is a technique by which an
attacker sends (spoofed) Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) messages onto a local area network. Generally,
the aim is to associate the attacker's MAC address with the IP address of another host, such as the default
gateway, causing any traffic meant for that IP address to be sent to the attacker instead.
(from Wikipedia)
- Download the project. You can download a zip file, or you can clone it:
git clone https://github.com/AmitaiF/ARP-Spoofer.git
- Install requirements.txt:
pip install -r requirements.txt
C:\>arpspoofer.py -h
usage: arpspoofer.py [-h] [-i IFACE] [-s SRC] [-d DELAY] [-gw] -t TARGET
Spoof ARP tables
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i IFACE, --iface IFACE
Interface you wish to use
-s SRC, --src SRC The address you want for the attacker
-d DELAY, --delay DELAY
Delay (in seconds) between messages
-gw should GW be attacked as well?
-t TARGET, --target TARGET
IP of target
for making think we are the gateway:
python arpspoofer.py -t
for making think we are the gateway, and the the gateway think we are
python arpspoofer.py -t -gw
Assuming we want the victim to think we are the gateway. In order to do this, the program constantly
sends the victim 'is_at' responses, which say that the mac address of the gateway is our mac address.
If we want, we can also make the gateway think we are the victim, by sending him 'is_at' which says
that the victim mac is ours.
If we do this, we are now performing a MITM (Man In The Middle) attack, and we can filter and change all the traffic between them.