Obstacle detector
Format: <channel> "message"
- <redeye.line> *
- Triggers a request for status of the line sensors
- Only if this Redeye is running in Line mode
- <redeye.obstacle> *
- Triggers a request for status of the obstacle sensors
- Only if this Redeye is running in obstacle mode
- <redeye.line.left> "redeye.line.left.on"
- Left line sensor on, sensor has been triggered
- Only if the this Redeye is running in Line mode
- Triggered automatically, or in response to a line input query
- <redeye.line.left> "redeye.line.left.off"
- Left line sensor off, sensor has been un-triggered
- Only if the this Redeye is running in Line mode
- Triggered automatically, or in response to a line input query
- <redeye.line.right> "redeye.line.right.on"
- Right line sensor on, sensor has been triggered
- Only if the this Redeye is running in Line mode
- Triggered automatically, or in response to a line input query
- <redeye.line.right> "redeye.line.right.off"
- Right line sensor off, sensor has been un-triggered
- Only if the this Redeye is running in Line mode
- Triggered automatically, or in response to a line input query
- <redeye.obstacle.left> "redeye.obstacle.left.on"
- Left obstacle sensor on, sensor has been triggered
- Only if the this Redeye is running in obstacle mode
- Triggered automatically, or in response to a obstacle input query
- <redeye.obstacle.left> "redeye.obstacle.left.off"
- Left obstacle sensor off, sensor has been un-triggered
- Only if the this Redeye is running in obstacle mode
- Triggered automatically, or in response to a obstacle input query
- <redeye.obstacle.right> "redeye.obstacle.right.on"
- Right obstacle sensor on, sensor has been triggered
- Only if the this Redeye is running in obstacle mode
- Triggered automatically, or in response to a obstacle input query
- <redeye.obstacle.right> "redeye.obstacle.right.off"
- Right obstacle sensor off, sensor has been un-triggered
- Only if the this Redeye is running in obstacle mode
- Triggered automatically, or in response to a obstacle input query