This is a Blockchain example totally written in .NET. I use it for study purposes :)
How to use it? You can launch the BlockNet.Test.Console project , it contains a console application referenced to the main BlockNet.Core part.
There are 3 test methods:
- GenerateBlockChainWithoutParameters
- GenerateBlockChainWithDifficulty
- GenerateBlockChainWithBlockTime
They print the results in the application console.
GenerateBlockChainWithoutParameters It generates a blockchain with a difficulty of 1, no blocktime. It's quite fast, it generates a little nonce, i think it can run good on every machine :)
GenerateBlockChainWithDifficulty It generates a blockchain with a difficulty of N, no blocktime. Now the value is set to 5.
GenerateBlockChainWithBlockTime It uses the blocktime (in MS) to verify the transaction. Now it is set at 30 seconds (30000 ms). It is used as in mining for crypto.
- Better code
- Unit tests containing the valid/invalid demonstration