❤️ Cardio Disease group project as part of Machine Learning subject in the HD in Science in Data Analysis for Business. The project can be view in this link: https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/AndreisSirlene/Cardio-disease-ML-GroupProject/blob/main/CardioDiseasePrediction.ipynb
Machine Learning Project – Heart Disease Prediction 📓 Group members: Rula Abu Affar Sirlene Andreis Pamela Neh Ambe Sarah Parsons
Under supervision of Dr. Muhammad Iqbal
We built 4 Machine Learning models based in a Cardio dataset, models used are: Decision Tree Classifier
Logistic Regression
Random Forest
ANN - Artificial Neural Network
Each model was split in three different sizes, test with 10%, 20% and 30% od the data.