Simple Strap is a theme for Lektor.
It's a clean, simple, black and white theme.
It's built using Bootstrap 4.
The base theme is a modified version of Lux by Bootswatch.
Lux was modified with
See css_src/
for the CSS source.
- Blog listing.templates/blog-post.html
- A single page that contains one blog post.templates/layout.html
- The base template for every page. Includes header and footer.templates/page.html
- The template for the homepage. A two column page. The right column will be the same for every page with this template.templates/page_one_column.html
- A single column page.templates/page_two_column.html
- A two column page.templates/macros/blog.html
- Renders a single blog post.templates/macros/pagination.html
- Renders the Previous and Next buttons for blog listing.
- Body content formatted in markdown. Used for templatespage.html
- Body content formatted in HTML. Used for templatepage_one_column.html
- Body content and Right content formatted in HTML. Used for templatepage_two_column.html
- Body content and Right content formatted in markdown. Used for templatepage_two_column.html