You can follow along the various steps on github.
- Blazingly fast, faster than real device.
- (Integration tests at x10 speeds? Yes please.)
- Perfect for product demoes on projectors
- Acts like a real device
- Access to Play Store
- Syncs with your google account
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="16"/>
- Current version has softkeyboard/hardkey bugs (overflow a problem)
- When using NDK/JNI you'll need to make sure to provide x86 libraries
Quick, where's my .apk??
- Just run (ctrl-r) with your device as a target, or:
- From your project folder on the command line (Mac/Linux with properly configur):
ant clean release
find . -name \*apk -ls
points to the useable .apk.adb install your.apk
to installadb uninstall com.your.project.packagename your.apk
to uninstall
"Easy" wins when/if time permits
- BugSense
- Leveraging Google's Android APIs (Maps, push notifications, etc.)
- Like scrum? Use post-its, avoid time consuming task managers.
- ActionBarSherlock: we love it, but if you're lucky, by the time you have a shippable product, gingerbread will be dead. The time overhead isn't worth it.
- RoboGuice, RoboElectric are awesome, but you don't have the time. :)
- Complex