Practicing Git commands Here.
git config --global "username_here"
git config --global "useremail_here"
git clone "link goes here"
git status
==>4 types of result
==>untracked->new files that git doesn't know
==>staged->file is ready to be committed(only we have added not committed)
add==>adds new or changed files in your working directory to the Git staging area.
git add <-file name->
git add .(to add all changed files)
commit==>is is the record of change
git commit -m "some message"
push==>upload local repo content to remote repo
git push origin main
init - used to create a new repo
git init
git remote add origin <-link->
git remote -v ==> to verify remote
git branch ==> to check branch
git branch -M main ==> (to rename branch)
git push origin main
git push -u origin main ==> -u means we are setting up upstream which tells that each time we push to main branch only .Every time no need to give origin main thereafter.
Create repo in Github -> clone it to local system -> change -> add ->commit
Git Branch
git branch (to check branch)
git branch -M main (to rename branch)
git checkout <-branch name-> (to navigate)
git checkout -b <-new branch name-> (to create new branch)
git branch -d <-branch name-> (to delete branch)
git diff <-branch name-> (to compare commits,branches,files & more)
git merge<-branch name-> (to merge 2 branches)
Create PR (Pull request)-->it tells others about changes you've pushed to a branch in a repository on GitHub.