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Anjishnubose committed Oct 24, 2023
2 parents ffd1db6 + d1cf98b commit 1c7ca8e
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Showing 10 changed files with 363 additions and 98 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
name = "TightBindingToolkit"
uuid = "2233325a-6eb3-486f-aff0-670e0939fa7e"
authors = ["Anjishnu Bose", "Sreekar Voleti", "Samuel Vadnais"]
version = "2.3.0"
version = "2.3.2"

Bijections = "e2ed5e7c-b2de-5872-ae92-c73ca462fb04"
FFTW = "7a1cc6ca-52ef-59f5-83cd-3a7055c09341"
LaTeXStrings = "b964fa9f-0449-5b57-a5c2-d3ea65f4040f"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
Expand All @@ -24,9 +25,9 @@ MappedArrays = "^0.4"
Plots = "^1.38"
PyPlot = "2.11"
Statistics = "1.0 - 2.0"
StatsBase = "^0.34"
TensorCast = "^0.4"
Tullio = "^0.3"
StatsBase = "^0.34"
julia = "^1.7, ^1.9"

Expand Down
67 changes: 54 additions & 13 deletions Sample/Vortex.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,13 +19,15 @@ thirdNNdistance = 2/sqrt(3)

UC = UnitCell([a1, a2], 2, 2)
UC.BC = zeros(ComplexF64, 2)
UC.BC = [0.0, 0.0]

AddBasisSite!.(Ref(UC), [b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6])

SpinVec = SpinMats(1//2)

const tIntra = 1.0
const tInter = -10.0
const tInter = -1.5

tIntraParam = Param(tIntra, 2)
AddAnisotropicBond!(tIntraParam, UC, 1, 2, [ 0, 0], SpinVec[4], firstNNdistance, "Intra hopping")
Expand All @@ -48,38 +50,77 @@ CreateUnitCell!(UC, [tIntraParam, tInterParam])

UCPlot = Plot_UnitCell!(UC ; bond_cmp=:viridis, site_size=10.0, plot_conjugate=false, plot_lattice=true)

# kSize = 6*50 + 3
# bz = BZ([kSize, kSize])
# FillBZ!(bz, UC)
kSize = 6*50 + 3
bz = BZ([kSize, kSize])
FillBZ!(bz, UC)

H = Hamiltonian(UC, bz)

VortexModel = Model(UC, bz, H ; T=0.001, mu=0.0)
SolveModel!(VortexModel ; get_gap = true)

R3 = zeros(Float64, 6, 6)
R3[3, 1]= 1.0
R3[4, 2]= 1.0
R3[5, 3]= 1.0
R3[6, 4]= 1.0
R3[1, 5]= 1.0
R3[2, 6]= 1.0
R3 = kron(R3, Matrix(I, 2, 2))

R2 = zeros(Float64, 6, 6)
R2[4, 1]= 1.0
R2[5, 2]= 1.0
R2[6, 3]= 1.0
R2[1, 4]= 1.0
R2[2, 5]= 1.0
R2[3, 6]= 1.0
R2 = kron(R2, Matrix(I, 2, 2))

Gammaind= GetQIndex(bz.HighSymPoints["G"], bz)
K1ind = GetQIndex(bz.HighSymPoints["K1"], bz)
K2ind = GetQIndex(bz.HighSymPoints["K2"], bz)

OrbitalsGamma = H.states[Gammaind...]
OrbitalsK1 = H.states[K1ind...]
OrbitalsK2 = H.states[K2ind...]

REigGamma = eigen((OrbitalsGamma' * R3 * OrbitalsGamma)[1:6, 1:6]).values
REigK1 = eigen((OrbitalsK1' * R3 * OrbitalsK1)[1:6, 1:6]).values
REigK2 = eigen((OrbitalsK2' * R3 * OrbitalsK2)[1:6, 1:6]).values

# H = Hamiltonian(UC, bz)
# DiagonalizeHamiltonian!(H)

# VortexModel = Model(UC, bz, H ; T=0.001, mu=0.0)
# SolveModel!(VortexModel ; get_gap = true)

# Plot_FS!(H, bz, collect(0.05:0.05:0.5), [7]; cbar=true)
# Plot_Band_Structure!(VortexModel , [bz.HighSymPoints["G"], bz.HighSymPoints["K1"], bz.HighSymPoints["M2"]] ; labels = [L"\Gamma", L"K_1", L"M_2"] )

###################### Real Space ######################################

lattice = Lattice(UC, [6, 6])
# lattice = Lattice(UC, [6, 6])
# FillLattice!(lattice)

H = LatticeHamiltonian(lattice)
# # Plot_Lattice!(lattice ; bond_cmp=:viridis, site_size=8.0)

# H = LatticeHamiltonian(lattice)
# DiagonalizeHamiltonian!(H)

plot(H.bands, marker = :circle, label = "Energies")
# plot(H.bands, marker = :circle, label = "Energies")
Plot_Lattice!(lattice ; bond_cmp=:viridis, site_size=10.0)

# M = LatticeModel(lattice, H)

######################## Symmetry ##########################
# ######################## Symmetry ##########################

# Ta1 = Translations(lattice ; primitive = 1, with_local = true)
# Ta2 = Translations(lattice ; primitive = 2, with_local = true)
# Ta1 = Translations(lattice ; primitive = 1, with_local = true)
# Ta2 = Translations(lattice ; primitive = 2, with_local = true)

# m1 = GetPhase.(FindQuantumNumbers(M, Ta1 ; till_band = length(H.bands)÷2))
# m2 = GetPhase.(FindQuantumNumbers(M, Ta2 ; till_band = length(H.bands)÷2))
# m1 = GetPhase.(FindQuantumNumbers(M, Ta1 ; till_band = length(H.bands)÷2))
# m2 = GetPhase.(FindQuantumNumbers(M, Ta2 ; till_band = length(H.bands)÷2))

# mGround = mod.([sum(sum.(m1)), sum(sum.(m2))], Ref(1.0))
# mGround = mod.([sum(sum.(m1)), sum(sum.(m2))], Ref(1.0))
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/BdGModel.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ module BdG
using ..TightBindingToolkit.BZone:BZ, MomentumPhaseFFT
using ..TightBindingToolkit.Hams:Hamiltonian, ModifyHamiltonianField!

using LinearAlgebra, Tullio, TensorCast, Logging
using LinearAlgebra, Tullio, TensorCast, Logging, Statistics

import ..TightBindingToolkit.TBModel:FindFilling, GetMu!, GetFilling!, GetGk!, GetGr!, SolveModel!, GetGap!, FreeEnergy

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ GetMu!(M::BdGModel ; tol::Float64=0.001)
Function to get the correct chemical potential given a filling.
function GetMu!(M::BdGModel ; mu_tol::Float64 = 0.001, filling_tol::Float64 = 1e-6) = BinarySearch(M.filling, M.Ham.bandwidth, FindFilling, (M,) ; x_tol = mu_tol, target_tol = filling_tol)
function GetMu!(M::BdGModel ; guess::Float64 = 0.0, mu_tol::Float64 = 0.001, filling_tol::Float64 = 1e-6) = BinarySearch(M.filling, M.Ham.bandwidth, FindFilling, (M,) ; initial = guess, x_tol = mu_tol, target_tol = filling_tol)
@info "Found chemical potential μ = $( for given filling = $(M.filling)."

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -169,13 +169,13 @@ SolveModel!(M::BdGModel)
one-step function to find all the attributes in BdGModel after it has been initialized.
function SolveModel!(M::BdGModel ; get_correlations::Bool = true, get_gap::Bool = false, verbose::Bool = true, mu_tol::Float64 = 1e-3, filling_tol::Float64 = 1e-6)
function SolveModel!(M::BdGModel ; mu_guess::Float64 = M.Ham.bandwidth[1] + M.filling * (M.Ham.bandwidth[2] - M.Ham.bandwidth[1]), get_correlations::Bool = true, get_gap::Bool = false, verbose::Bool = true, mu_tol::Float64 = 1e-3, filling_tol::Float64 = 1e-6)
@assert M.Ham.is_BdG==true "Use other format for pure hopping Hamiltonian"

if M.filling<0 ##### Must imply that filling was not provided by user and hence needs to be calculated from given mu
GetMu!(M ; mu_tol = mu_tol, filling_tol = filling_tol)
GetMu!(M ; guess = mu_guess, mu_tol = mu_tol, filling_tol = filling_tol)

if get_gap
Expand Down
34 changes: 33 additions & 1 deletion src/Flux.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
module Flux

export GetBondPhase, CheckGaugeValidity, ModifyGauge!
export GetBondPhase, CheckGaugeValidity, ModifyGauge!, GetStringPhase, InsertMonopolePair!

using LinearAlgebra

using ..TightBindingToolkit.Useful: SegmentIntersection
using ..TightBindingToolkit.LatticeStruct: Lattice, FillLattice!

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -41,6 +42,37 @@ module Flux

function GetStringPhase(Monopoles::Vector{Vector{Float64}}, r1::Vector{Float64}, r2::Vector{Float64} ; flux::Float64 = Float64(pi)) :: ComplexF64

t = SegmentIntersection(Monopoles, [r1, r2])
r = SegmentIntersection([r1, r2], Monopoles)

if t>=0.0 && t<1.0 && r>=0.0 && r<1.0
return exp(im * flux)
return 1.0

function InsertMonopolePair!(lat::Lattice{T}, Monopoles::Vector{Vector{Float64}} ; flux::Float64 = Float64(pi) ) where{T}

positions = getindex.(getindex.(Ref(lat.positions), collect(1:lat.length)) , Ref(1))
r1s = repeat(positions, 1, size(lat.BondSites, 2))
r2s = getindex.(getindex.(Ref(lat.positions), lat.BondSites) , Ref(1))

dists = norm.(r2s .- r1s)
check = isapprox.(dists, lat.BondDists, atol = 1e-6, rtol = 1e-6)

phases = GetStringPhase.(Ref(Monopoles), r1s, r2s ; flux = flux)
phases = phases .^ check
lat.BondMats= lat.BondMats .* phases

return findall(==(false), isapprox.(phases, Ref(1.0)))


Expand Down
34 changes: 28 additions & 6 deletions src/LatticeHamiltonian.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
module LatHam
export FillHamiltonian, LatticeHamiltonian, DiagonalizeHamiltonian!, Slater, SingleParticleFidelity, SlaterOverlap
export FillHamiltonian, LatticeHamiltonian, DiagonalizeHamiltonian!, Slater, SingleParticleFidelity, SlaterOverlap, GaugeFix!

using ..TightBindingToolkit.LatticeStruct: Lattice
import ..TightBindingToolkit.Hams: FillHamiltonian, DiagonalizeHamiltonian!
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -62,11 +62,33 @@ module LatHam

function SingleParticleFidelity(H1::LatticeHamiltonian, H2::LatticeHamiltonian) :: Matrix{ComplexF64}
function GaugeFix!(H::LatticeHamiltonian, gauge::Tuple{Int64, Float64} = (1, 0.0))

@assert size(H1) == size(H2) "The two hamiltonians must be the same size!"
site, DesiredPhase = gauge[1], gauge[2]

fidelity = adjoint(H1.states) * H2.states
NormCheck = (abs2.(H.states[site:end, :]) .> 0.0)
NonTrivialNormSites = findfirst.(==(1), eachcol(NormCheck)) .+ (site - 1)

phases = angle.(getindex.(Ref(H.states), NonTrivialNormSites, 1:length(H.bands)))
phaseShift = exp.(im .* (DesiredPhase .- phases))

H.states = H.states .* phaseShift'

return (NonTrivialNormSites, phaseShift)


function SingleParticleFidelity(H1::LatticeHamiltonian, H2::LatticeHamiltonian, states::Vector{Int64} = collect(1:length(H1.bands)) ; fixGauge::Bool = true, gauge::Tuple{Int64, Float64} = (1, 0.0)) :: Matrix{ComplexF64}

@assert size(H1.H) == size(H2.H) "The two hamiltonians must be the same size!"

if fixGauge
GaugeFix!(H1, gauge)
GaugeFix!(H2, gauge)

fidelity = adjoint(H1.states[:, states]) * H2.states[:, states]

return fidelity
Expand All @@ -83,9 +105,9 @@ module LatHam

function SlaterOverlap(H1::LatticeHamiltonian, H2::LatticeHamiltonian) :: ComplexF64
function SlaterOverlap(H1::LatticeHamiltonian, H2::LatticeHamiltonian, states::Vector{Int64} = collect(1:Int64(length(H1.bands)//2)); fixGauge::Bool = true, gauge::Tuple{Int64, Float64} = (1, 0.0)) :: ComplexF64

return det(SingleParticleFidelity(H1, H2))
return det((SingleParticleFidelity(H1, H2, states ; fixGauge = fixGauge, gauge = gauge)))

14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions src/Model.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module TBModel
using ..TightBindingToolkit.Parameters: Param
using ..TightBindingToolkit.Hams:Hamiltonian

using LinearAlgebra, Logging
using LinearAlgebra, Logging, Statistics

@doc """
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,13 +77,13 @@ GetMu!(M::Model; tol::Float64=0.001)
Function to get chemical potential for a given `Model`, within a tolerance.
function GetMu!(M::Model ; mu_tol::Float64 = 0.001, filling_tol::Float64 = 1e-6)

function GetMu!(M::Model ; guess::Float64 = 0.0, mu_tol::Float64 = 0.001, filling_tol::Float64 = 1e-6)
##### TODO Get an initial guess and pass to BinarySearch
if M.T0.0
energies = sort(reduce(vcat, M.Ham.bands)) = (energies[floor(Int64, length(energies)*M.filling)] + energies[floor(Int64, length(energies)*M.filling)+1])/2
else = BinarySearch(M.filling, M.Ham.bandwidth, FindFilling, (M.Ham.bands, M.T, M.stat) ; x_tol=mu_tol, target_tol = filling_tol) = BinarySearch(M.filling, M.Ham.bandwidth, FindFilling, (M.Ham.bands, M.T, M.stat) ; initial = guess, x_tol=mu_tol, target_tol = filling_tol)
@info "Found chemical potential μ = $( for given filling = $(M.filling)."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,13 +153,13 @@ SolveModel!(M::Model)
one-step function to find all the attributes in Model after it has been initialized.
function SolveModel!(M::Model ; get_correlations::Bool = true, get_gap::Bool = false, verbose::Bool = true, mu_tol::Float64 = 1e-3, filling_tol::Float64 = 1e-6)
function SolveModel!(M::Model ; mu_guess::Float64 = M.Ham.bandwidth[1] + M.filling * (M.Ham.bandwidth[2] - M.Ham.bandwidth[1]), get_correlations::Bool = true, get_gap::Bool = false, verbose::Bool = true, mu_tol::Float64 = 1e-3, filling_tol::Float64 = 1e-6)
@assert M.Ham.is_BdG==false "BdG Hamiltonians should be solved using a BdGModel"

##### TODO Pass initial guess of chemical potential to GetMu! if provided by user
if M.filling<0 ##### Must imply that filling was not provided by user and hence needs to be calculated from given mu
GetMu!(M ; mu_tol = mu_tol, filling_tol = filling_tol)
GetMu!(M ; guess = mu_guess, mu_tol = mu_tol, filling_tol = filling_tol)

if get_gap
Expand Down
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions src/Params.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Add a bond with the given attributes to `param`.
If given `mat` attribute is a number, it is converted into a 1x1 matrix when entered into the bond.
function AddAnisotropicBond!( param::Param{T, R}, uc::UnitCell{T} , base::Int64 , target::Int64 , offset::Vector{Int64} , mat::Array{<:Number, T} , dist::Float64, label::String ) where {T, R}
function AddAnisotropicBond!( param::Param{T, R}, uc::UnitCell{T2} , base::Int64 , target::Int64 , offset::Vector{Int64} , mat::Array{<:Number, T} , dist::Float64, label::String ) where {T, R, T2}

dims = repeat([uc.localDim], T)
@assert size(mat) == Tuple(dims) "Interaction matrix has the wrong dimension!"
Expand All @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ If given `mat` attribute is a number, it is converted into a 1x1 matrix when ent

function AddAnisotropicBond!( param::Param{T, R}, uc::UnitCell{T} , base::Int64 , target::Int64 , offset::Vector{Int64} , mat::Number , dist::Float64, label::String ) where {T, R}
function AddAnisotropicBond!( param::Param{T, R}, uc::UnitCell{T2} , base::Int64 , target::Int64 , offset::Vector{Int64} , mat::Number , dist::Float64, label::String ) where {T, R, T2}

@assert uc.localDim == 1
dims = repeat([uc.localDim], T)
Expand All @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ The input `checkOffsetRange` must be adjusted depending on the input distance.
The optional input `subs` is meant for isotropic bonds when only a subset of sublattices are involved.
function AddIsotropicBonds!( param::Param{T, R}, uc::UnitCell{T} , dist::Float64 , mat::Array{<:Number, T} , label::String; checkOffsetRange::Int64=2 , subs::Vector{Int64}=collect(1:length(uc.basis)) ) where {T, R}
function AddIsotropicBonds!( param::Param{T, R}, uc::UnitCell{T2} , dist::Float64 , mat::Array{<:Number, T} , label::String; checkOffsetRange::Int64=2 , subs::Vector{Int64}=collect(1:length(uc.basis)) ) where {T, R, T2}

dims = repeat([uc.localDim], T)
@assert size(mat) == Tuple(dims) "Interaction matrix has the wrong dimension!"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ The optional input `subs` is meant for isotropic bonds when only a subset of sub

function AddIsotropicBonds!( param::Param{T, R}, uc::UnitCell{T} , dist::Float64 , mat::Number , label::String; checkOffsetRange::Int64=2 , subs::Vector{Int64}=collect(1:length(uc.basis))) where {T, R}
function AddIsotropicBonds!( param::Param{T, R}, uc::UnitCell{T2} , dist::Float64 , mat::Number , label::String; checkOffsetRange::Int64=2 , subs::Vector{Int64}=collect(1:length(uc.basis))) where {T, R, T2}

@assert uc.localDim == 1
dims = repeat([uc.localDim], T)
Expand All @@ -134,13 +134,13 @@ The optional input `subs` is meant for isotropic bonds when only a subset of sub

@doc """
AddSimilarBond!(param::Param{T, R}, uc::UnitCell{T}, bond::Bond{T} ; subs::Vector{Int64}=collect(1:length(uc.basis)), checkOffsetRange::Int64=2) where {T, R}
AddSimilarBond!(param::Param{T, R}, uc::UnitCell{T}, base::Int64, target::Int64, offset::Vector{Int64}, mat::Array{ComplexF64, T}, dist::Float64, label::String ; subs::Vector{Int64}=collect(1:length(uc.basis)), checkOffsetRange::Int64=2) where {T, R}
AddSimilarBond!(param::Param{T, R}, uc::UnitCell{T2}, bond::Bond{T} ; subs::Vector{Int64}=collect(1:length(uc.basis)), checkOffsetRange::Int64=2) where {T, R}
AddSimilarBond!(param::Param{T, R}, uc::UnitCell{T2}, base::Int64, target::Int64, offset::Vector{Int64}, mat::Array{ComplexF64, T}, dist::Float64, label::String ; subs::Vector{Int64}=collect(1:length(uc.basis)), checkOffsetRange::Int64=2) where {T, R}
Function to add bonds which are not completely isotropic, but are still related by translation (not by the unit cell primitives but by the underlying lattice primitives).
function AddSimilarBonds!(param::Param{T, R}, uc::UnitCell{T}, bond::Bond{T} ; subs::Vector{Int64}=collect(1:length(uc.basis)), checkOffsetRange::Int64=2) where {T, R}
function AddSimilarBonds!(param::Param{T, R}, uc::UnitCell{T2}, bond::Bond{T} ; subs::Vector{Int64}=collect(1:length(uc.basis)), checkOffsetRange::Int64=2) where {T, R, T2}

MotherParam = Param(1.0, 2)
AddIsotropicBonds!(MotherParam, uc, bond.dist, bond.mat, bond.label ; checkOffsetRange = checkOffsetRange , subs = subs)
Expand All @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ Function to add bonds which are not completely isotropic, but are still related


function AddSimilarBonds!(param::Param{T, R}, uc::UnitCell{T}, base::Int64, target::Int64, offset::Vector{Int64}, mat::Array{ComplexF64, T}, dist::Float64, label::String ; subs::Vector{Int64}=collect(1:length(uc.basis)), checkOffsetRange::Int64=2) where {T, R}
function AddSimilarBonds!(param::Param{T, R}, uc::UnitCell{T2}, base::Int64, target::Int64, offset::Vector{Int64}, mat::Array{ComplexF64, T}, dist::Float64, label::String ; subs::Vector{Int64}=collect(1:length(uc.basis)), checkOffsetRange::Int64=2) where {T, R, T2}

AddSimilarBonds!(param, uc, Bond(base, target, offset, mat, dist, label) ; subs = subs, checkOffsetRange = checkOffsetRange)
Expand Down

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