cargo build
The bootstrap node can be started with this command.
./target/debug/apron-gateway --secret-key-seed 1
cargo run -- --secret-key-seed 1
./target/debug/apron-gateway --secret-key-seed 2 --peer /ip4/<peer id from bootsrap> --p2p-port 2149 --mgmt-port 8084 --forward-port 8086
docker run -it --rm -p 8923:80 kennethreitz/httpbin
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"peer_id": "",
"id" : "httpbin_service",
"domain_name": "localhost",
"is_deleted" : false,
"providers": [
"id" : "service_provider1",
"name": "httpbin_service_provider1",
"desc": "httpbin service provider1",
"base_url": "localhost:8923",
"schema": "http"
The new service will be forward to the whole p2p network. So you can query it from client node.
curl --location --request GET ''
curl --location --request GET ''
curl --location --request GET ''
curl --location --request GET ''
The request is sent following this flow. User-->Client node-->Bootstrap node-->Service Provider.
The response is sent following this flow. Service Provider-->Bootstrap node-->Client node-->User.